Feather falling into outstretched hand

The Gospel of Rumi 

Yoga class began with the teacher saying, “Hold out your hands to receive something you truly desire.” 

 As we extended our hands, palms up, he softly quoted Rumi: ‘What you seek is seeking you.” 

I, with arms outstretched, stood transfixed. 

What if that were true? What if my desire is heading towards me like a heat seeking missile?)? What if (gasp!) I no longer needed to struggle?

It felt farfetched, but during Downward Dog, I made a decision.  I’m taking Rumi’s words as gospel truth.  

As I sank into Child’s Pose, I remembered a poster that once hung in my office with a quote from Richard Bach: “You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true.” Then, in tiny letters: “You may have to work for it, however.” 

At this point, I am in Warrior Pose, which feels quite fitting.  By Savasana, the final resting pose, I’m fired up, ready to work. 

I raced home, eager to start working on a brand-new program, something I’ve been dreaming about doing for years, but kept procrastinating because it’s on a subject I hadn’t taught before. (Hint: it’s not financial but spiritual).  

I’ve created countless classes in my career, but the process was always painful. My ego would scream, “This is sh*t!” and I’d have to push myself to power through.

Now, after that yoga class, I was determined to not only create this program, but do it with ease and joy.

Though I’m far from finished, I can honestly say it’s been a very different experience.  Instead of panicking when it wasn’t perfect, I’m actually enjoying the creative process, trusting that Rumi was right.  

Amazing how a tiny shift in perception can have such a big impact.

What about you? Is there something you desire to bring to fruition? What would happen if you decided to create it with ease and joy? Tell me about it in the comments below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Elisabeth

    Wow this is so timely for me Barbara!! Cheering you on, and taking this as gospel for myself too 💕 I am creating an online women’s community and am going to launch in January, no more holding back! Thank you as always. – Elisabeth

    • barbara huson

      That’s wonderful, Elizabeth. I love my woman’s community…it feeds my soul and supports me in countless ways. Let me know when you open yours! Wishing you tremendous success.

  • Lisa

    Right now, during the festive season, I have to write a final paper 📝 while all my friends are doing fun things like ice skating ⛸️

    I’m trying to research and write it in a way where I can unlock the secrets to a mystery that’s going to help me and others who may read it. I suppose this is where I’m going to find the joy.

    • barbara huson

      Lisa, may you receive a wealth of guidance and inspiration so you easily unlock the secrets and enjoy every moment of creating a fabulous final paper! Let me know how it goes!

      • Lisa

        Thanks, Barbara! I needed to read this!!!

      • Lisa


        I got highly influenced to buy a stock while doing research for my paper 📝. It ended up paying me the highest dividend I ever received, so the paper just paid for itself!

        Ironically, the moment I received my grade, I received my dividend too 😂 I don’t know if it was divine timing in the universe, or if I told my professor I was excited about purchasing the stock just before the dividend was due and he timed both to happen at the same time.

        He’s extremely good with numbers, and likes to play with my mind a bit, so it’s possible or maybe it’s one of those cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie miracle moments 🎅

  • Amy

    Hi Barbara,
    The words and the moment of discovery you share in this column went straight to my Heart.

    You books, columns, workshops and one-on-one coaching have changed my life and given me great Hope and Courage. THANK YOU.

    A spiritual program with Barbara Huson? SIGN ME UP!!!

    Seems to me, this has just been waiting to happen. HOW EXCITING!!

    • barbara huson

      Oh Amy, I’m printing out what you wrote and looking at it every day! I needed your encouragement. Thank you so much!!!!

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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