Sacred Success™ is what my soul had been yearning for. It just took me a while to figure that out. Perhaps you feel the same. Perhaps, like me and many others, even though you deeply desire, definitely deserve and will likely reap hefty financial rewards, you’ve somehow always known there’s more to success than making lots of money.
Sacred Success™ does not require sacrificing financial reward in order to find fulfillment and meaning. Quite the contrary. Sacred Success™ merges higher incomes with a higher calling. Each successful woman I interviewed explicitly expressed her unshakable desire to increase her earnings. Yet her drive was no longer fueled by making more, more, more. . .
Here’s where I got stuck…until I discovered the Paradox of Sacred Success™
The Paradox goes like this: In order to play the game of Sacred Success™, you must have a strong profit motive firmly in place….which is essential to overcome underearning and attain financial stability. But…here’s the catch…at this point, you must give up profit as your primary goal. The Primary Goal for Sacred Success™ is Achieving Greatness.
Next: exploring Greatness.
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