A Spiritual Truth for Scary Times

I’m turning to A Course in Miracles (ACIM) a lot more these days. As many of you know, ACIM is a spiritual text that calls itself “a course in mind training,” and declares its sole purpose is “to restore awareness of the power of the mind.

I may not be able to control the crazy unfolding of current events. But can use the power of my mind to control how I react to them.

The only way to make prudent decisions during volatile events, my favorite WSJ  columnist, Jason Zweig, recently advised, “Is by creating a circle of calm around yourself,”

To train your mind to “create a circle of calm,” you need to understand what the Course calls “the most important concept that exists in the universe:” The Law of Cause and Effect..

To the world, a cause is an external incident which produces an internal effect. 

The market plunges (cause) and you panic (effect). But this view is very disempowering. Blaming something or someone else for ‘making’ you unhappy or fearful turns you into a victim.

According to the Course, nothing ‘out there’ has anything to do with you feeling happy or upset. Your thoughts are always the cause. If you want to change the effect (your experience)—greater abundance, more happiness, increased peace of mind—you must first change the cause (your thoughts).

Mind training is about far more than positive thinking.   It requires you to shift the source of your feelings from the world out there to where it belongs—your own mind.

Or as the Course puts it: “Seek not to change the world but choose to change your mind about the world.”

What thoughts do you need to change for greater peace of mind? Leave me a comment below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Lisa

    Yes, I knew someone who blamed everyone else for her debt, except herself. She blamed an ex boyfriend who caused her to go on a spending spree to fill the hole in her relationship, a crappy childhood, the credit card company, the government and the price of living in California.

    I’m changing my thoughts to I’m glad she had the credit card when she needed it and so many opportunities to get out of debt having the long work history she had. I’m changing my thoughts to it was great experience to learn about money from her, however I no longer feel sorry for her.

  • Misty

    Watching evil makes me sad. I change my thoughts to my mother and father in Heaven always love me. The family I was born in to hates girls because they are girl haters, especially my mother who is still alive. The Bible says that the love of many has grown cold. God BLESS you. I love all people… Pornography is adultery. Adulterers are not capable of feeling love. The Bible says that love is our highest goal. If you don’t have love, you don’t have God.

  • Lisa

    Sorry, Misty.

    I love most people, but not everyone! Some people are extreeeeemly manipulating, and as you put it, evil! I’m pretty sure there is information in the Bible that God wants us to distance ourselves from these people.

    I’m changing my thoughts to the person I want to be – someone who takes responsibility and action. I’m grateful for the lessons.

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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