Are You Playing Full Out?

In work, as in life, there are only 2 games you can play.

I call the first game the Underearners Game or Not to Lose Game. The second game is the High Earners Game or To Win Game.

Underearners play the Not to Lose Game, which means focusing on playing it safe, looking good and staying comfortable, avoiding anything that could possibly be scary, awkward, embarrassing or (gasp!) lead to failure.

High Earners play the To Win Game by going as far as they can with all that they’ve got.  And when they fall, they get back up and keep going. Which means, despite their fear, they keep playing full out. 

Which one are you playing? (Be honest, now!)

It can be tough to tell which game you’re playing. There are times when I swear, I’m giving my all, but later it hits me.  I was fooling myself by holding back (even just a tiny bit means I’m playing it safe).

So, I devised the following list to help assess if you’re really playing to win.

5 Signs I’m Playing Full Out (check what applies to you).

  1. I know what I want and am committed to getting it. (And if I don’t know, I devote time and energy to figuring it out).
  2. I’m so focused on my vision that I don’t get distracted (at least not for long) by irrelevant, draining, or conflicting tasks.
  3. I’m willing to experience whatever it takes—defeat, discomfort, even humiliation—to achieve what I want.
  4. I don’t say ‘yes’ when I really want to say ‘no,’ even if it means upsetting another.
  5. Every time I’m afraid to do something, I force myself to do it anyway. (And I catch myself when I justify not doing it.)

I’d love to hear: How many did you check?  Is there anything you’d add to this list? Leave me a comment below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Lisa

    Definitely can check off number 3. 😂 I’ve humiliated myself a lot before getting close to where I want to be. It’s becoming less embarrassing though.

    As for number 4, I would prefer people to give me an upfront”no” instead of a cheerful “yes”, then change their mind or feel bitter about doing it later. That feels so crappy and confusing when people do that.

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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