I spent New Year’s Day mulling over goals. Normally, I come up with a fairly long list of things I want to accomplish over the next 12 months. This year, however, I decided on only one.
Neuroscience research has convinced me that this single goal is so astonishingly powerful, that if I stick to it—and I fully intend to—will produce profound changes in my life. And yours too if you care to join me.
My one goal for 2021 is: Whenever I notice I’m having a negative thought, I will immediately replace it with a loving one.
Words are powerful. Language literally shapes our brain.
Whatever you repeat often enough—whether the words are in your head or come out your and mouth, even if they are a lie—your brain will hold as truth, your words become self-fulfilling prophecies and your behavior will follow suit.
Case in point: How drastically different conversations are with high earners than with their lower paid peers.