Two caterpillars spy a butterfly overhead. One turns to the other and says “You’ll never get me up in one of those things.”
Do you ever feel like that caterpillar? Part of you wants to fly. Another part clearly doesn’t.
That’s precisely what’s going on when you feel stuck–an internal conflict. Part wants to. Part doesn’t.
The trick to getting unstuck isn’t by denying or disputing your resistance. What you ignore, you empower. What you resist, persists.
I speak from experience. After my divorce, I tried hard to learn about money. But nothing worked. I’d pick up a book, attend a class only to fog up, glaze over, give up. Until one day, a therapist challenged me.
“You know Barbara,” he said bluntly, “you really don’t want to get smart about money.”
I couldn’t argue. In that moment, I met the part of me that desperately wanted to stay ignorant. The part that was terrified of angering her parents, losing everything, and most of all, afraid no man would love a financially savvy woman.
I spent months getting to know this part. But I also did something quite smart. I kept repeating affirmations in an effort to fortify the other part. I AM smart about money. I AM excited to learn. I AM a great role model for my kids. I AM attracting a man who loves a powerful woman.
I now realize I was literally rewiring my brain. Instead of dwelling on what scared me, I focused on what I wanted to create, how I wanted to feel…even if it seemed impossible. As neuroscientists tell us, what flows through the mind creates pathways that wires the brain
Slowly the fog lifted. I actually began enjoying the learning process, seeing results, relishing how powerful I felt. Those feelings haven’t changed in over 30 years.
How do you focus on the change you want to create? Leave a comment below.
Do you struggle to understand investing? Men and women view wealth & power through very different lenses. Join me for this FREE call: Women & Wealth: We’re Different than Men & Why that Matters and I’ll help you become a Savvy Investor and begin to build Wealth, as a woman. Register Now!