When I interviewed six-figure women, I discovered 8 secrets to becoming a high earner.
They weren’t at all what I expected.
I’ve listed them below. Try them on. Test them out. Apply them to your situation. Do any conflict with your current assumptions?
Secret #1: Financial Success is possible in almost any field, and lack of education doesn’t have to hold you back!
Secret #2: Working hard doesn’t mean working all the time.
Secret #3: Focus on fulfilling your values rather than achieving financial goals.
Secret #4: Loving what you do is much more important than what you do.
Secret #5: Feel the fear. Have the doubts. Go for it anyway.
Secret #6: Think in terms of trade-offs, not sacrifices, to find a workable balance.
Secret #7: Sometimes you just have to shrug it off and have a good laugh.
Secret #8: Appreciate abundance
These 8 secrets became the guiding principles that shaped these women’s success. They certainly shaped mine. May they do the same for you.
Want to know more about Wealth Building? Listen to the recording of this call I hosted, The Wisdom of Wealth: Unraveling the Secrets to Creating Wealth & Power…as Women! Click here to listen.
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