
Sacred Success

Sacred Success Quiz

Are you ready to pursue your purpose, claim your power & build your wealth? Take this quiz to find out.

Grab a pen and paper. Read each statement and rate it:

1 (doesn’t fit), 2 (sometimes fits), 3 (Yep, that’s me!)

  1. Money is mostly a source of pleasure, not pain or stress.
  2. I have ample cash savings.
  3. I understand my investments.
  4. I welcome opportunities to be uncomfortable.
  5. I am conscious of my spending.
  6. I have no unpaid credit card debt.
  7. I know my worth and ask for it.
  8. I am committed to not just safeguarding but growing my money.
  9. I have philanthropic causes I’m passionate about.
  10. I consider the money I have as mine.
  11. I really love and appreciate money.
  12. I never spend more money than I have.
  13. I admire people who have money.
  14. I participate fully in financial decisions.
  15. I desire to use my money for a cause I feel passionate about.
  16. I feel confident about my ability to manage money.
  17. I enjoy talking/reading about finances.
  18. I yearn to make a difference in the world.
  19. I enjoy down time, relaxing, with nothing to do.
  20. I have enough money to live a good life, but I still desire more.

Fill in your name and email address to see your results.

Looking for Prince Charming?

As I was writing my first book, I saw that there was a pivotal moment, in every woman’s story, when she finally realized—No one will do this for me. Prince Charming isn’t coming.

I’m here to tell you: Dispelling the Prince Charming myth is the most important financial decision you will ever make.

Let me warn you. Prince Charming doesn’t need to be a man. PC could be the lottery, an insurance settlement, or just an amorphous something…anything you imagine will rescue you financially.

Trying to manage money while harboring a rescue fantasy is like driving a car with watered down gas. You’re just not going to get very far.

But rest assured.  It’s the myth, not the man, that has to go. You can have your Prince.

You just need to change the job description. He’s no longer your rescuer or your savior. He is your partner.

Want to find out how to become your own Prince Charming? Join me for my LAST Sacred Success Retreat, May 18—21. LEARN MORE

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Let the Truth Be Told

I constantly get this question.

“I want to make more money. Where do I begin?”

My response usually comes as a surprise.
“Begin by admitting what’s not working in your life,” I say.

They look puzzled.

“There’s tremendous power in telling the truth,” I explain. “I noticed, in interviews with former underearners, that their financial achievement was often preceded by a financial or personal challenge.”

Problems have a purpose. They are there to get our attention.

Until you stop denying, or diminishing, your difficulties, you can’t possibly do anything differently.

Your first peek at the truth may evoke temporary panic. Rest assured, situations can rapidly improve once you take off the blindfold.

If you’re ready to see the truth, I’d love you to join me at my last LIVE Overcoming Underearning Webinar Course beginning April 4th.

Learn More

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When Someone Calls You a Bitch, say Thank You!

One question I always ask financially successful women: What is your biggest regret?  

Almost everyone has the same response. Not speaking up sooner.

As one woman, a 7th grade drop out, told me, “You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you demand.”

But even the most successful found it downright scary to ask for what they wanted, to say no to what they didn’t.

You know why? Studies prove that assertive, forceful men are given high marks by their bosses.

Assertive, forceful women are labeled a bitch.  

I’m here to tell you—being a bitch is not a bad thing. That’s where our power is.

I’m not talking about the bitchy part. That’s the co-dependent in us who suppresses her true needs and gets very resentful.

The bitch is the powerful part who refuses to be a doormat, a victim, or tolerate injustices; who has the courage to be who she is and want what she wants.

She’s the Babe In Total Control of Herself.

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Stuck Points Suck…Or Do They?

I always hated those times I felt stuck. No matter how long they lasted, or how quickly they passed, these were always very dark, dreaded periods.

But that was before I realized: every Stuck Point has a purpose.

I was in the gym, working out with a new trainer, about to do a chest press with no added weight. I lay flat on my back, grabbed the bar, pushed it high above my body, lowered it to just above my chest, then lifted it back up, repeating the exercise 12 times.

No problem. It was easy.

Then my trainer added 5 pound weights to each end of the bar. I felt the difference immediately.

By the second repetition, my arms were quivering. The third time I lowered the bar to my chest, it wouldn’t budge.

I strained. I struggled. I was clearly stuck. My ego felt deflated. My trainer saw it differently.

“That’s how you build muscles,” he explained, “by getting past the stuck point.”

In the next couple of weeks, I could do 12 reps without flinching. But rather than let me bask in my glory, my trainer added more weight.

And sure enough, I was instantly at a new stuck point.

At that moment, the weights became an obvious metaphor for life.

Getting past my stuck points helped me grow stronger, build confidence and experience higher levels of achievement.

When I got past my stuck points I discovered new possibilities I could never have predicted.

If you enjoyed these “Words of Wealth”, head over to my website and sign-up for my FREE weekly newsletter at:

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Afraid of Risk? Here’s the Antidote…

Warren Buffet once said: “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.”

In other words:

The biggest risk you take, in investing as in life, is making decisions based on fear, ignorance or habit rather than knowledge.

You want to minimize risk?

Keep educating yourself.  When it comes to investing, there’s always more to learn—which is what makes the subject so interesting.

If you enjoyed these “Words of Wealth”, head over to my website and sign-up for my FREE weekly newsletter at:

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The Trinity of Trust

Years ago, I lost most of my money because I didn’t trust me to manage it. Instead I trusted a man who wasn’t trustworthy. But after my divorce, I had to take action. I had to start trusting myself. That’s when I created what I’ve come to call the Trinity of Trust.

To build a firm foundation of trust, I spent time connecting with each point on the triangle.

  • I spent time alone with myself (A) exploring my innermost thoughts, appreciating who I was.
  • I connected with others (B)who would support, educate and encourage me.
  • And I made time to commune with (C) my Soul, my Higher Power through prayer and meditation, listening to my intuition.

I found these 3 elements extraordinary helpful. But to sustain my trust, I took one more step. I drew a circle around this Trinity.

This was a sacred circle, an impenetrable boundary. I’d let no one inside the circle that didn’t respect, appreciate and support me. No pessimists, naysayers or worry warts allowed.
Nor would I let myself fall prey to my own anxiety or panic.

Every time life gets out of whack, as it will, I go back inside that circle and connect to each point of the Trinity. No matter how tumultuous life becomes, I am able to experience peace. I know I can trust myself…as long as I honor my boundaries.

If you enjoyed these “Words of Wealth”, head over to my website and sign-up for my FREE weekly newsletter at:

Do the Hard Work Do The Scary Stuff

Feel the Fear

If I had to point to the most important secret I learned from interviewing six-figure women, it would have to be this. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

These women were supremely confident. But they weren’t fearless. Quite the contrary.

Beneath their confident exteriors lurked layers of insecurity. Every woman admitted grappling with feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, and fear. I was stunned by how many felt like a fraud and were afraid others would find out.

That’s exactly how I felt. The only difference between them and me, I realized, was simply this—they did not let fear stop them. They felt the dread. Had the doubts. And did it anyway.

So guess what I began doing? How about you?

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Gambling vs Investing

I’ve often heard people say: “Investing is no different that gambling.”

Au contraire. There is a big distinction between gambling and investing.

Gambling looks like this:

  • Buying stocks or bonds willy-nilly,
  • Following a hot tip
  • Purchasing the hottest fund,
  • Trying to time the market (buying when it’s high, freaking out and selling when it plunging),
  • Deferring decisions to another and sticking your head in the sand.

Investing, on the other hand, looks like this:

  • Creating a financial plan based on your goals and risk tolerance
  • Building a diversified portfolio, based on the plan.
  • Adhering to the plan until something changes.
  • Making decisions supported by your plan not your emotions.

If you don’t have an idea of where you want to end up, it will be far more difficult to make the right decisions. Which is exactly why I created One Year to Wealth…Becoming a Savvy Investor. If you want to become a Savvy Investor in 2017, join me for this year long course. Learn more.

If you enjoyed these “Words of Wealth”, head over to my website and sign-up for my FREE weekly newsletter at:

One Year to Wealth

Are You Investing in Yourself in 2017?

Last week, I shared the simple formula that I used to become a Savvy Investor.  If you missed the free webinar, One Year to Create Wealth…In One Simple Step a Month. You can listen to the recording here. I’ve had a ton of feedback letting me know how helpful it was. I’m delighted!

But, believe me, I know how the mere thought of investing can seem daunting…if not impossible. I know how easy it is to go into avoidance.

The key is to make a commitment, invest in yourself, and find support to hold you accountable.

That’s why I created One Year to Wealth: Becoming a Savvy Investor. I will show you how to take charge of your money and your life…how to become the Powerful Woman you were born to be.  And I want to make sure you get all the support you need. I want to be right there holding your hand.

My goal is to show how simple (and fun!) investing can be by breaking it down into very small chunks. I want YOU to know the enormous freedom, immense security, the incalculable peace of mind and the unbelievable confidence that I now experience.

The first step I shared is Commit. If you are ready to take that step, you can join me in a very powerful full year class: One Year to Wealth: Becoming a Savvy Investor.

This class will only be offered once in 2017. We’ll kick-off on January 24th with a special live Set Your Intentions call.

You can learn more about One Year to Wealth here

I’d love to take this journey with you, to support and educate you as you become a Savvy Investor.

Are you ready to invest in yourself?

Here are some of last year’s One Year to Wealth participants who shared their stories. Can you relate?

“I continue to feel so grateful for this course and for everything it has helped me with. For starters, I wanted to feel confident to invest my 401K funds in the best way, and understanding what I’m doing with it. That was my reason for joining the course and it has been fulfilled in a beautiful way.
Further, I never had a clue that I was going to have my whole financial world, worries and all, be completely shifted into calm and confidence. My outlook is so joyful now on how to maintain a cash flow budget so I know that I will always have a positive balance, especially while paying the max to my credit card balance. I don’t feel deprived, and I feel that the discipline makes me feel abundant and money has value now. I don’t hold back when I want something, but I keep looking at it before making a move, asking, is this worth it? Is it more important than paying this to myself? (without judgment). Sometimes it is worth it, and then I get it with no guilt, which always used to follow purchases of any kind. And I’ve already paid off half the credit card debt that had been carrying for some years. The rest is all in 0% interest cards and being paid off rapidly.” ~~Monica

“Every now and then life presents us with a game changer. Barbara is such a person. One Year to Wealth , for me, marked a new beginning. Barbara handed me the tools to discover how my mind approaches money, how money fog works and when it arises and when old stories dictate my approach to money today. After almost a year of One Year to Wealth I feel equipped to talk about money ( I never did), to approach finance professionals ( I never dared) and to manage my assets ( I never even knew them.) Within the supportive and exciting environment Barbara created, it became possible to see my emotions as a part of my money story. With the course almost done, there is no end in sight. My money explorations have only just begun and they will last a lifetime. My role, going forward, is clear: to nourish myself, my family and the world. All emotions are welcome! Thank you!!!” ~~Katherine

“I felt the desire to tell you I am in tears of joy in how my life has changed this year, and that I am now a part of a wonderful future.  I am so thankful for OYTW and look forward to continuing with each level of Barbara’s offerings as I stretch.  It is a whole new world.” ~~Pam


Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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