1 Know what you want. Research the going rates in your field. Ask the high end of the spectrum. You can always negotiate down, but never up.
2 Have points prepared. Build a case around your value and what you bring to the company.
3 Always start negotiations on a positive note. For example, thank the employer for the opportunity and make a counter offer.
4 “No” means “not now.”
5 Negotiate more than money: early salary review, signing bonus, relocation costs, profit sharing, flexible schedule, paid time off, benefits, perks, educational programs, expense account, club memberships, bigger office, laptop, cell phone, job title.
6 Act confident (even if you don’t feel it). Perceived confidence has a big impact.
7 Request 24 to 72 hours to think over the offer.
8 If someone acts put off by a reasonable counter offer, consider it a red flag or negotiating ploy. Perhaps the employer doesn’t value what you bring to the table. Or it’s an effort to intimidate you into agreement.
9 The best time to negotiate, or renegotiate, is when you have job offers from another company.
10 Above all, focus on relationship building. It’s a lot more difficult to say ‘no’ if they like you.
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