A Course in Miracles

All the Answers Aren’t ‘Out There’

I spent most of my adult life desperately trying to figure out money. I had to. My husband was gambling it away at a rapid pace. So I dutifully went to classes, read books, talked to advisors. Nothing helped.

Then, something miraculous happened. When I began journaling about my frustration, I began to breakthrough my blocks.

As I’d write, I’d hear a familiar voice in my head telling me how stupid I was.  Up until then, I just assumed that voice was right and there was nothing I could do.

But, this time, instead of letting that voice hold sway, as I always did, I decided to get to know it better. I asked the voice where it came from and what it wanted.

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See the World Differently & Your World Will Change

Have you ever felt stuck in a loop—replaying the same frustrations, reliving the same disappointments, and wondering why nothing seems to change? Here’s the truth: the way you see the world is shaping your experience of it.

But what if you could change how you see it?

A simple lesson from A Course in Miracles (ACIM) offers a powerful key to transforming your reality:

“There is another way of looking at the world.”

This isn’t just a nice idea—it’s a radical call to reframe the way you interpret your experiences. Every challenge, every frustration, every unsettling moment is an invitation to pause and ask yourself:

How can I see this differently?

This one shift can rewire your brain, reshape your beliefs, and unlock what feels like miracles in your life. And while it’s simple in theory, changing your perspective takes practice. Over the years, I’ve discovered three powerful techniques that make this shift easier and more effective—each rooted in science, psychology, and spiritual wisdom.

A New Way to Make New Year’s Resolutions

I used to do it every year. Make all these New Year’s Resolutions of goals I wanted to achieve.

I started to do it again this year and, at first, it felt really good to list them: Write another book. Create a home study course. Visit my kids more frequently. Get away with my hubby. Yoga class at least 3 times a week.

But when I reviewed the list, I was surprised by my reaction. Instead of being energized, I felt uninspired. Huh? These were things I deeply desire, achievements that would surely feed my soul. Why wasn’t I excited?

When You Encounter an Obstacle, Don’t Forget to Say Thank You!

In my book Sacred Success, I issue a warning: When you commit to achieving Greatness, everything unlike itself will come up to be healed. Life gets in the way. Obstacles arise. Shit happens. Breakdowns occur.

To the masses, obstacles are like ticking time bombs, something to quickly defuse or avoid altogether.

But for those pursuing Greatness, obstacles are doorways to healing and growth. What seems to get in the way is the way to transformation.

“Trials are but lessons that you failed to learn presented once again” A Course in Miracles tells us, “So where you made a faulty choice before you can now make a better one and thus escape all pain that what you chose before has brought you.”

Practicing Radical Self-Acceptance

All my life, I’ve been a self-improvement junkie.  Show me a seminar touting personal growth and it was like throwing raw meat to a ravenous lion. I’d hungrily pounce on it.

But then, in 2020 when life went into lockdown, removing a myriad of distractions, I noticed something disturbing—how brutally critical I am of me. This wasn’t a new insight, of course, but I began to see how awful it felt.

So, I made a conscious decision. Rather than pushing myself to improve, I decided to practice Radical Self-Acceptance, loving myself, warts and all…especially the warts.

Don’t get me wrong. I still aspire to be better.  But I’m finding a remarkable sense of freedom and well-being as I learn to fully embrace my shortcomings and my strengths, my achievements and my failures, without fear or false humility, without shame or recrimination.

The “I” Word

One thing I know for sure—Your financial foundation is only as strong as your personal integrity.

The word integrity comes from a Latin root, meaning wholeness or entirety. Integrity demands your words and deeds consistently reflect your deepest truths.

Or, as A Course in Miracles puts it, “There is nothing you say that contradicts what you think or do.”

Whenever you’re settling for less than you truly desire, working at a job you hate, making excuses, rationalizing, spending money you don’t have, not honoring your most cherished values and authentic truthsyou’re out of integrity, giving away your power and sabotaging your success.

My Journey Through Fear

I don’t know about you, but these past months have cast a dark pall over my positive attitude. I’ve been feeling fragile, fearful, unsettled.

Finally, it dawned on me—somehow, I needed to get quiet enough and surrender in stillness to receive guidance from a higher wisdom.

Almost immediately, a lesson from A Course in Miracles came to mind—You can see peace instead of this.

A Spiritual Truth for Scary Times

I’m turning to A Course in Miracles (ACIM) a lot more these days. As many of you know, ACIM is a spiritual text that calls itself “a course in mind training,” and declares its sole purpose is “to restore awareness of the power of the mind.

I may not be able to control the crazy unfolding of current events. But can use the power of my mind to control how I react to them.

The only way to make prudent decisions during volatile events, my favorite WSJ  columnist, Jason Zweig, recently advised, “Is by creating a circle of calm around yourself,”

Why Are We So Afraid of Power?

What scares us most about financial success is not that we may fall short, but that we may actually take flight.

I see it in so many women. I saw it myself.  We’re terrified to discover that we might be ‘powerful beyond measure.’ And for good reason.

When we claim our power, we raise the stakes. Power insists we become responsible adults, the primary authority in our life…autonomous, accountable, and as singer/songwriter Helen Reddy crooned, “too big to ignore.”

The Power of Your Mind

For the first time in 30 years, I’m teaching a class that’s not about money. It’s based on A Course of Miracles (ACIM), a profound spiritual text.

I believe this book was written precisely for these turbulent, conflict-ridden times. And I’m convinced, if the masses lived by the Course’s message, we’d see a saner world.

ACIM calls itself a course in mind training. It’s stated purpose is “to restore the awareness of the power of the mind.’

“What you do comes from what you think,” the Course explains. “All power is given to you through your mind.”

This is great news. Because your mind is the only thing you can control. I certainly can’t stop the fighting in the middle east, but it doesn’t have to destroy my peace. And this applies not only to global disasters but to daily annoyances.

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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