
How Much Risk Can You Handle?

With inflation still soaring and markets still turbulent, it’s a good time to discuss an important concept: Risk tolerance.

You’ve probably heard those words bandied about when talk turns to investing. But do you know what they mean?

Risk tolerance is generally defined as the ability to stomach large swings in the value of your investment portfolio. Because the market, by nature, is very volatile, understanding your risk tolerance is vital for making prudent decisions.

Here are 3 factors to help you figure out how much risk you can tolerate:

What the Hell is Robo-Investing? And Why Should I Care?

In the beginning, I was skepticalvery skeptical.  Now I’m a raging fan.

Robo-Investing is the best thing to happen for investors since index funds were invented.

In Robo-Investing, a computer—not a person—creates and manages a portfolio of index funds and ETFs. What are advantages for you, the investor?

The price is right. Fees are very low (0.15% to 0.50% compared to 1%-2% for human advisors). Plus there’s either no, or a very low, minimum required to open an account.

It’s easy to start. You fill out a short questionnaire to assess your situation, goals and risk tolerance, then choose among suggested portfolios based on your answers. That’s it…you’re ready to invest.

Lifting The Financial Fog

I spent most of my adult life in a financial fog as opaque as pea soup…and frustrating as hell. If you can relate, you’re certainly not alone.

Millions of women today are stuck in a financial fog so thick and threatening, they can’t find their way to wealth and well-being. And the consequences can be devastating…on our self-esteem as well as our future security.

The way out of this miasma is not by learning more financial facts, but by first understanding then lifting the fog.

This fog is made up of a matrix of issues–suppressed emotions, limiting beliefs, childhood wounds stemming from cultural conditioning, parental messages, unhealed trauma and hidden shame.    

“Set & Forget” Investing

After my divorce from the gambling husband, my inheritance was pretty much gone, with the exception of a few properties that gave me a small monthly income. But I did something smart.

When the rent from the properties would arrive, before I spent a cent, I’d put a portion into my savings account. I did it automatically. I filled out a form and the bank took are of the rest.

I didn’t even have to think about. And even though it wasn’t a lot, it’s amazing how my savings grew over time.

Later, as the cash accumulated, I automated my investing, by using a technique known as Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA-click to learn more). DCA takes the emotion out of investing, reduces the risk of losing a lump sum in a down market and reduces costs because you buy less when your investments are expensive, and more when they’re cheaper.

The Difference Between Investing & Gambling

I’ll never forget my first investment on my own. A friend of my father’s was forming a limited partnership. He’d just opened T.J. Cinnamons, a retail outlet that sold sticky buns. And he needed to raise money.

I knew what sticky buns were. I had no idea what a limited partnership was, or the risk I was taking. But hey, this was my dad’s close friend. He was extremely wealthy, very smart, massively successful. So, it had to be a great thing, right?

When T.J. Cinnamons went under, I lost all my money.

Ain’t Never Too Late!

It was a moment I’ll never forget. I was on a book tour, giving a yet another speech, when an older woman, leaning on a cane, came up to me afterward.

She was 84 years old and had been married to a very wealthy physician who handled all the finances. But 10 years ago, he died, leaving her no money but a lot of debt. Turns out all his investments were all on margin, using borrowed money.

Before the shock even wore off, she found a financial advisor, started taking classes, and learned about investing.

Why I Have a Problem with “Rich”

My passion is helping women become wealthy. I notice, however, I rarely, if ever, use the word ‘rich.’

I remember when, decades ago, David Bach sent me a copy of Smart Women Finish Rich. My first book had just been published, one of the earliest finance books geared to women, and he wanted to talk.

I loved what he wrote, but the word, ‘rich’ turned me off. I couldn’t understand why.

Then, last week, I received a newsletter from Nick Maggiulli, titled: Rich vs Wealthy: A Comprehensive Guide to Different Financial Lifestyles.

Finally, I realized why ‘rich’ never resonated.

Interesting Image

A Master Class in Wealth Creation…Based on Kick-Ass Quotes

I love quotes. These tiny bits of timeless wisdom convey vast amounts of knowledge in a mere sentence or two.

This week, I’ve boiled down the secrets to successful investing into a series of pithy expert sayings. Consider it a Master Class in wealth creation.

Let’s start with economist Jeremy Siegel, “Fear incites human action far more urgently than does the impressive weight of historical evidence.” 

Financial decisions made from fear (vs knowledge) never turn out well. As history reveals, after every crash, the market eventually surges. Yet fear has us selling at a loss, missing future gains.

According to wealthy industrialist J. Paul Getty, fear can be a buy signal. “Buy when everyone else is selling and hold until everyone else is buying.”

That’s not just a catchy slogan. It’s the very essence of successful investing.

Baron Rothschild was even more succinct: “The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”

Our biggest risk is not the market tanking, but our emotional reaction.

As acclaimed investor Benjamin Graham pointed out: “The investor’s chief problem — and even his worst enemy — is likely to be himself.”

Women Are Different Than Men

When it comes to women investing, I’m reminded of a quote attributed to Einstein: “If you ask a fish to climb a tree, she’ll always feel stupid.”

Same is true with money. If you try to approach finances like a man, you’ll always feel like a fish out of water.

So instead of trying to do it ‘their way,’ it’s time we value the feminine perspective. Let’s look at 5 ways the genders differ:

#1: Our Impetus for Investing

Men are very motivated by profit, perks, personal gain. No matter how much they have, amassing more is a powerful incentive.

Not women. Once we’re financially stable, we’re rarely motivated by money. Sure, we want to profit. But what really inspires us is helping others.

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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