You know the feeling. You finally decide to take the financial reins. You’ll pay off your debt, save for emergencies, invest regularly for retirement.
Off you go—to take a financial class, talk to an advisor, buy a money book—when suddenly, you run smack dab into Resistance.
Resistance is the psychological term for, “I don’t want to do this!”
You cancel the appointment, lose interest in the book, sit through the class, but nothing sinks in. You figure money’s not your thing. Eventually, you quit trying.
Resistance, more than anything else, is what stops women from taking the financial reins. But it doesn’t need to derail you, at least not for long.
You need to understand that resistance is normal. It’s a signal that you’re changing, not that something is wrong.
Find a friend, a colleague or financial professional to hold you accountable. Whatever it is you don’t want to do, that is exactly what you need to do next.
Dig deeper to find what lies on the other side of Resistance.
It’s your Power.
And that’s really what scares us. Not managing our money, but owning our power.
Which is why I created The Wealth Connection, an online community of women supporting women ready to claim their power. I invite you to check it out here.
I’d love to hear what you’ve done to overcome your resistance. Leave me a comment below.
Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Now only $47/month! Join the conversation today!