Today’s Words of Wealth are dedicated to all of us (yes, me included) who would never treat a friend the way we treat ourselves…who have no idea what self-love actually looks like…who are painfully searching for, but never finding, self-acceptance.
I share with you “The Other Serenity Prayer*:
God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself up for not doing things perfectly, the courage to forgive myself because I am working on doing better, and the wisdom to know that You already love me just the way I am. ~~Eleanor Brownn
*Thank you Joan Goldberg for sharing this with me! Please feel free to share this with others.
How do you show yourself love? Leave a comment below.
I’d love to share one way to show yourself self-love. Join me and an amazing group of women in my virtual community, The Wealth Connection.Learn More!