
Those Ticking Time Bombs

To most people, obstacles are like ticking time bombs, something to quickly defuse or preferably avoid altogether.

But for the financially successful, obstacles are doorways to healing, portals to prosperity. What seems to get in the way is the way to transformation.

Difficulties are not diversions from Greatness but evidence of dysfunctional patterns that must be corrected in order to follow your true calling.

Every challenge provides the chance to respond in a new way, as if your Soul is saying: “Choose again, not as you have in the past.”

Don’t Even Try…

We all have our internal critics. The part that tell us what we can’t possibly do. Mine insists, quite convincingly: “You can’t do that! You don’t have what it takes.”

Those voices may never shut up.  But just because you hear voices in your head, doesn’t mean you have to follow them.

As Vincent Van Gogh once said: “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you can not paint,’ by all means paint and the voice will be silenced.” 

Indeed, keep reminding yourself: “that’s not my voice.” It’s the voice of a parent, the culture, teachers, friends, something ‘out there.’ But it isn’t mine.

The “D” Word

I just set my intention for 2023: Mental Discipline. That means, I’m going to consciously and rigorously make sure my thoughts are positive, uplifting, and loving (especially to myself).

I proudly shared my intention with a few friends. Their reaction was less than positive.

“That’s awfully harsh,” one said.

“Doesn’t sound appealing to me,” said another.

I wasn’t surprised. Clearly, the word ‘discipline’ tripped them up.

An Eye-Opening Exercise

Who am I? It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries. A question asked by countless seekers.

Determining the answer to that question can be daunting. Many of us have spent a lifetime hiding our real self from others.

Consequently, we’ve lost touch with who we really are. We’re left with a distorted self-image, based on all sorts of unconscious decisions we made about ourselves and life, probably made when we were very young.

These decisions have nothing to do with reality. Yet we go through life acting on these erroneous conclusions as if they were indisputable truths.


Nothing gets in the way of financial success more than repressed anger.

In my experience, women in general hold a tremendous amount of unexpressed anger, though few realize it.

I certainly did but had no idea. Until a therapist pointed  out that I was carrying a lot of repressed rage, which was holding me hostage, making me unable to move forward.

As I worked on discharging my wrath, I had a revelation. Anger is simply energy. Repressed anger immobilizes. Released anger galvanizes.

When you find healthy ways to let go of resentment, you begin to notice a direct link between anger and power. Suppressing one inhibits expressing the other.

If you suspect you, too, may have some buried anger, I invite you to write an angry letter. Write it to your parents or ex-husband or maybe yourself. Write it by hand, not on a computer.

Problems? Show Some Gratitude!

People often ask me what were the biggest surprises I had when interviewing successful women. This is definitely one.

I never expected how many told me they were actually grateful for past tribulations.

In fact, most admitted, they might never have succeeded had they not been challenged. They considered their past problems an asset and, even more, they appreciated themselves for tackling them head on.

Problems Are Your Starting Points

I saw it so clearly, when interviewing successful women. Their financial achievement was invariably preceded by a financial challenge.

Problems have a purpose. They’re trying to get our attention.

The place to begin when faced with a problem is admitting what’s not working in your life. It could be anything from bankruptcy or burn out; from feeling undervalued or overworked; from getting a divorce, or desperately wanting one.

No matter how subtle, how small, or how sizable and scary, your willingness to face the problem head on the first step to breaking through it.

Facing a problem means looking it straight in the eye, even if you haven’t a clue what to do about it…especially if you haven’t a clue.

You Can’t Do That!! Who Do You Think You Are?

We all have internal critics. The ones that tell us what we can’t possibly do, how we’re sure to screw up if we even try.

Those voices may never shut up. Mine sure haven’t.

But recently I had an epiphany. Just because I hear voices in my head, doesn’t mean I have to heed them.

As Vincent Van Gogh once said: If you hear a voice within you say ‘you can not paint,’ by all means paint and the voice will be silenced.”

Instead I just keep reminding myself: that’s not my voice. It’s the voice of my dad, the culture, teachers, something ‘out there.’ But it isn’t mine.

Then I simply say to that voice: Thank you for sharing. Then I replace that critical voice with a more positive statement, a personal mantra or affirmation.

Are You Ready to Radically Change Your Relationship with Money…and Your Life?

Want to radically change your relationship to money…and your life? Write down everything you spend. It’s called tracking your expenses.

Believe me, tracking is not just for budgeting or those with limited means. The numbers reveal a story about your life.

You’ll discover bad habits and blind spots; where you’re putting your time and energy; what’s missing in your life; where you’re not living your values.

Here’s how it works. Buy a small notebook or find an empty checkbook register that fits into your pocket or purse.

Whenever you buy something—be it a yoga class or a cup of coffee, whether you use cash, check, debit or credit—jot down the item along with the cost.

Warning. Do this at the point of purchase. Otherwise, as receipts pile up, you’ll likely give up in overwhelm.

Interesting Image

Beware Excuses

Here’s an interesting exercise. Notice how often you set a goal or express a desire and immediately start finding reasons why it can’t happen.  

I see it all the time.  A new client walks in,  declares her desire—”I really want to make more money,”—and then comes the ”but…”

  • I have little kids
  • I’m scared
  • I never went to college
  • I don’t have time
  • I’m too old
  • I’m too young

Beware excuses!

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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