
Receiving: A Requirement for Success

There is a direct correlation between your level of success and your ability to receive.

Receiving is to our Soul what eating is to our bodies—a source of strength, nourishment, and growth. To gain the benefits from food, you must chew, swallow, digest.

So, too, there are three steps to receiving: Acknowledge, Appreciate, and Assimilate. When you don’t fully engage in each of the three steps, you starve your Soul and your finances can suffer.

Admittedly, receiving can be tricky. Many gifts come camouflaged.

Therefore to receive fully, you must suspend judgmentNothing that happens is ‘good’ or ‘bad’right’ or ‘wrong,’ ‘negative’ or ‘positive.’

Finding Your Purpose (Exercise Included)

In my interviews with highly successful woman—women making high six- and seven-figures–I was struck by how they all seemed possessed by an almost divine sense of purpose.

I was reminded of a quote from Joan of Arc: “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.”

That’s how a Higher Purpose feels. You must do this, no matter what happens, no matter how frightened you are, no matter how impossible it seems.

Purposes can range from the blatantly ambitious (create world peace) to the seemingly trivial (lead a simple life).

STOP What You’re Doing…NOW!!!

I once read a Wall Street Journal interview with George Schultz, former Secretary of State. He recalled running into Steve Job’s wife at a party.

When he asked where her husband was, she responded: “Oh, Steve’s taking six months off to think.”

Taking time off has long been respected by creative geniuses, primitive cultures and Eastern religions.

But few in our society teach, or even encourage, this practice any more. To many, down-time is a dirty word. And I know why.

Without endless activity, we’re left with empty space. And empty space gives rise to painful feelings.

The Feminine Face of Power

I wish men better understood the feminine face of power. I believe they are as afraid of our power as we are!

One high earner may have nailed it when she told me, “I think men are afraid that if you give a woman too much power, we’ll skewer them in public one day.”

Men need to know we’re not seeking domination for ourselves, submission from them, or any form of retribution. That’s not how we roll.

We want to share power, not usurp it. We want power “with,” not power “over.”

Thank You!

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you…that will be enough. ~~Meister Eckhart

Today, in the spirit of Thanksgiving and a 13th century mystic, I’m taking this opportunity to say Thank You…

…to all of you who are reading this blog, even if it’s the only time you ever do, I truly appreciate you reading it today.

…to everyone who’s ever written to tell me how my work has impacted your life, you have no idea how your words have impacted mine. In fact, I have printed out and saved every one of your notes and emails.

…to anyone who’s bought my books and perhaps passed it onto a friend, this means more to me than you’ll ever know.

…to those of you who’ve joined my groups or signed up for coaching, I’m endlessly grateful you trusted me to guide you, while teaching me to be a better guide.

Wisdom from A Course in Miracles

It’s been said that you’re never given a wish without the power to make it come true.

But how many times have you wished for more—more success, more money, more love, more __________(fill in the blank), and nothing happened, no matter what you did?

That powerless feeling is one of life’s greatest frustrations. I know!

Years ago, right after my divorce, my ex left the country, leaving me with no money in the bank and over a million dollars in tax bills. I knew nothing about finances. He handled everything.

The tax bills were looming and with 3 young daughters to support, I knew I needed to get smart…and fast. I was desperate.

I’m an intelligent woman—how hard could it be? But no matter how many books I read, classes I took, advisors I talked to, my eyes would glaze over, my brain would fog up and I’d feel hopelessly, incurably stupid.

How the Spiritual Factors into Financial Success

Let’s talk about the Higher Work of Wealth—something I believe is missing when we talk about financial success.

The financial media focuses almost exclusively on the Outer Work of Wealthlearning the practical facts, like understanding the difference between a stock and a bond or how to diversify your retirement account.

Granted, we’re seeing more articles, even books exploring the Inner Work of Wealthovercoming internal blocks, negative attitudes and limiting beliefs we have about Wealth.

But discussions of the Higher Work of Wealth are rare. Though it’s certainly a hot topic in my online community, The Wealth Connection.   I believe for most women, the real motivation to create wealth–what keeps us going when resistance rears its ugly head—is not amassing more money.

It’s the spiritual factor–what we can do with our money once we have it. How we can use it to help others and become more of who we’re born to be, doing what we’re here on earth to do.

Feeling Stuck? Ask Yourself This Compelling Question

I’ve been feeling stuck for a while now. Like I need to make a change, do something different, but what?

This feeling started about 5 years ago. I lost interest in my work, which took me by surprise. I loved what I did, but suddenly my heart wasn’t in it. I kept wondering: what else can I do?

I had no desire to change careers. I definitely wasn’t ready to retire. So I decided to write another book. The research was fun. The writing was challenging but fascinating. The book, Rewire for Wealth,  published last year, has done quite well.

And yet, here I am—still restless…still dissatisfied…still feeling stuck. This time, there’s no book in me.  So I’ve been praying hard: God, show me what to do!

The Motivating Power of Divine Connection

Well, I’ll be darned. An article in The Wall Street Journal declared faith is the key to phenomenal success

A slew of pop singers, pro athletes, and movie stars told a reporter that while talent is important, the “motivating power of divine conviction” is what stacked the odds in their favor.

“Believing that God wants you to be famous,” claimed the article, “actually improves your chance of being famous.”

Financial Success as a Spiritual Practice

Are you having trouble making more money or managing it wisely? Is financial lack a constant source of stress and pain? Consider this.

What if you stopped approaching finance as a purely practical process and started treating it as a spiritual practice?

What if, along with learning the practical facts, you focused on developing a deep sense of trust in the inexplicable forces of the Universe, along with learning the practical facts?

In my experience, the moment you inject faith into finances, the instant you invite the Divine into your relationship with the ‘almighty dollar,’ your experience with money grows deeper, richer, and more meaningful. Everything changes.

Financial success becomes a transformational journey, a personal healing, a sacred initiation, empowering you to become all you’re meant to be and to do what you’re put on this planet to do.

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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