Have you thought about the legacy you want to leave? Not just the business you want to build or the career you want to pursue. But how you want to be remembered after you’re gone?
Every one of us leaves a legacy—be it Greatness or Mediocrity. But surprisingly few reflect on what they want theirs to be. Yet it is an important point for us all to ponder.
Your legacy need not light up the sky. It need leave only the slightest footprint in the sand.
Whether you engage in small acts of kindness or a groundbreaking global initiative, the scope is irrelevant. All that matters is that you’ve touched another’s life.
Not clear about your legacy? Try this exercise. Close your eyes, take several deep breaths, and relax. Imagine that you are on your deathbed, at the end of a long and wonderful life.
As you lie there, ask yourself this question: What gives me the most satisfaction knowing this is what I’ll be remembered for?
Then ask yourself: What can I begin doing right now that will contribute to this legacy?
I’d love to hear the legacy you wish to leave and what you’re are doing about it. Leave a comment below.
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