Are you having a hard time achieving the level of success you desire and deserve? Here’s some sage advice: No one will do it for you, but you don’t have to do it alone!
I learned this from the savvy women I interviewed for my book. Prince Charming Isn’t Coming. Not one of those women succeeded in isolation. I realized I couldn’t either.
Listening to their stories inspired me to take action, despite my crippling fear, and showed me what to do to get smart.
Support is particularly critical for us women. We are relationship oriented. Connection is extremely important to us.
We thrive on the synergy of mutual support and collaboration. We love to share our experience with another. We do our best when others are cheering us on and holding us accountable.
But a word of warning is in order. Be selective when seeking support. There are basically two kinds of people: the Naysayers and the Yaysayers.