Women & Power
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Still Looking for Prince Charming?

As I was writing my first book, I saw that there was a pivotal moment, in every woman’s story, when she finally realized—No one will do this for me. Prince Charming isn’t coming. 

I’m here to tell you: Dispelling the Prince Charming myth is the most important financial decision you will ever make.

Let me warn you. Prince Charming doesn’t need to be a man. PC could be the lottery, an insurance settlement, or just an amorphous something…anything you imagine will rescue you financially.

Trying to manage money while harboring a rescue fantasy is like driving a car with watered down gas. You’re just not going to get very far.

But rest assured, it’s the myth, not the man, that has to go. You can have your Prince. You just need to change the job description. He’s no longer your rescuer or your savior. He is your partner.

Who or what do you think will somehow rescue from your financial difficulties?  Tell me about it in the comments below.

Would you like to try out coaching with me? Join The Wealth Connection for six-months—Only $297 and get a 30- minute private coaching session with me! (The coaching alone is a $300 value.) Or take advantage of the twice monthly group coaching—only $47/month.  JOIN TODAY!

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Let the Truth be Told

I constantly get this question: “I want to make more money. Where do I begin?”


My response usually comes as a surprise.


“Begin by admitting what’s not working in your life,” I say. They look puzzled.


“There’s tremendous power in telling the truth,” I explain. “In my interviews with former underearners I noticed that their financial achievement or breakthrough was often preceded by a financial or personal challenge—one they could not ignore.”


Problems have a purpose. They are there to get our attention.


Until you stop denying, or diminishing, your difficulties, you can’t possibly do anything differently.


Your first peek at the truth may evoke temporary panic. But, rest assured, situations can rapidly improve once you take off the blindfold.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Now only $47/month!  Join the conversation today!

What do you say when someone calls you a B*tch? Thank You!

One question I always ask financially successful women: What is your biggest regret?  

Almost everyone has the same response. Not speaking up sooner. As one woman, a 7th grade drop-out,  told me: “You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you demand.”  

But even the most successful found it downright scary to ask for what they wanted, to say no to what they didn’t.  

You know why? Studies prove that assertive, forceful men are given high marks by their bosses.  Assertive, forceful women are labeled a bitch.   

I’m here to tell you—being a bitch is not a bad thing. That’s where our power is.

I’m not talking about the bitchy part. That’s the co-dependent in us who suppresses her true needs and gets very resentful. 

The bitch is the powerful part who refuses to be a doormat, a victim, or tolerate injustices; who has the courage to be who she is and want what she wants. 

 Because you see, a bitch is a Babe In Total Control of Herself. 

What do you do to stand up for what you want? Tell me in the comments below.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Now only $47/month!  Join the conversation today!

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Financial Success: A Parable

There is an old fable about a wise King who pushed a big boulder into the middle of the busiest road in his kingdom. Everyone who walked by simply went around it. No one attempted to move it.

Then came a poor peasant, carrying a load of vegetables. He put down his load, walked over to the boulder and tried to push it aside. It wouldn’t budge. He strained and struggled until finally it moved. Slowly he pushed it to the side.

On the road where the boulder had been, he noticed a purse. He opened it up and saw it was filled with gold. There was a note tied to the purse: this is the reward to anyone who moves the boulder.

Moral: Every obstacle is an opportunity in disguise. The bigger the obstacle the greater the reward. 

Here’s my question to you:  What’s the boulder in your path? Share in the comments below.

Would you like to try out coaching with me? Join The Wealth Connection for six-months—Only $297 and get a 30- minute private coaching session with me! (The coaching alone is a $300 value.) Or take advantage of the twice monthly group coaching—only $47/month.  JOIN TODAY!

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And You Thought It was about Money!!!!

Once a woman achieves financial stability, no longer struggling to make ends meet, something within her dramatically changes…though she’s rarely aware it’s happening.

Her brain, no longer tasked with simply surviving, is ready to rewire itself.

She finds herself yearning for Greatness, no longer satisfied with mediocrity. 

She deeply desires to create wealth, not for its own sake, but for its original meaning—well-being. 

She strives for power, not to appease or dominate others, but to have dominion over herself.

She searches for significance, not by being the best or making the most, but by doing what God put her on earth to do.

Rewiring, however, requires tremendous effort. She must intentionally respond differently, not habitually, consciously choosing behaviors that permit her to thrive…rather than merely survive.

Yet, unless she’s vigilant, her old neural connections will keep recreating ‘not enough’. She’ll unwittingly remain rooted in the hard-wired neuropathway offering the least resistance (otherwise known as her comfort zone).

I truly believe when enough women understand how to rewire their brains by taking the path of most resistance, building their wealth and claiming their power, a global transformation will occur. 

We’ll have the values, visions, sensitivity and the resources needed to change this world, heal this planet.

This, I believe, is our essential legacy, our inherent destiny, our financial responsibility as women.

Tell me about the legacy you want to leave in the comments below.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Now only $47/month!  Join the conversation today!

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Leaving a Legacy

Have you thought about the legacy you want to leave? Not just the business you want to build or the career you want to pursue. But how you want to be remembered after you’re gone?

Every one of us leaves a legacy—be it Greatness or Mediocrity. But surprisingly few reflect on what they want theirs to be. Yet it is an important point for us all to ponder.

Your legacy need not light up the sky. It need leave only the slightest footprint in the sand.

Whether you engage in small acts of kindness or a groundbreaking global initiative, the scope is irrelevant. All that matters is that you’ve touched another’s life.

Not clear about your legacy? Try this exercise. Close your eyes, take several deep breaths, and relax. Imagine that you are on your deathbed, at the end of a long and wonderful life.

As you lie there, ask yourself this question: What gives me the most satisfaction knowing this is what I’ll be remembered for?

Then ask yourself: What can I begin doing right now that will contribute to this legacy?

I’d love to hear the legacy you wish to leave and what you’re are doing about it. Leave a comment below.

Would you like to try out coaching with me? Join The Wealth Connection for six-months—Only $297 and get a 30- minute private coaching session with me! (The coaching alone is a $300 value.) JOIN TODAY!

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Where Are You Out of Integrity?

Whenever life gets hard, doors won’t open, nothing goes right—I know I need to ask myself a question.   Where am I out of integrity?

The word integrity comes from a Latin root, meaning wholeness or entirety.

Whenever you’re not asking for what you want, spending money you don’t have, or your behavior is out of synch with your most cherished values and highest aspirations, you’re giving away your power, sabotaging your success.

Conversely, you take your power back by identifying, verbalizing and living your truth, moment by moment by moment.

Or, as A Course in Miracles puts it: “there is nothing you say that contradicts what you think or do.” 

Believe me, it’s as easy to slip out of integrity as it is for a dieter to slip in extra calories, never realizing that’s what you’re doing. 

But life will show you. It always does.

And when it does, try asking yourself:  Where am I out of integrity? Where am I living a lie? As soon as you find the answer and course correct, I guarantee, the situation miraculously shifts. 

Where are you not living your truth?  Share in the comments below.

Do you know what you cherish most in life? Use this Values Clarification Exercise to find out. Values Clarification

Would you like to try out coaching with me? Join The Wealth Connection for six-months—Only $297 and get a 30- minute private coaching session with me! (The coaching alone is a $300 value.) JOIN TODAY!

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Lifting the Veils of Confusion

The class was titled “Women, Money and Power” and I took it over 30 years ago.

I had attended countless financial classes, read countless money books but this one class changed forever my relationship with money–and, much later, my approach to teaching it. 

On the first day, I remember sitting in a circle, in the middle of which was a clump of white netting, like a bridal veil, flung carelessly on the floor.

The instructor walked over to the netting, scooped it up, and announced: “This is what we’re going to do in this class. We are going to lift the veils that cloud our understanding of money.” 

Underneath the netting was the Wall Street Journal, which (ironically) I’d recently subscribed to. I couldn’t understand a word of it and I was about to find out why.

“To lift the veils,’ the instructor continued, “We have to get in touch with the decisions we’ve made about money, most of which were made early in life and are now unconscious. These decisions are like veils that get in the way of our financial understanding.”

She patted her head. “The more we can see in here, the more we can see out there.” She pointed to the newspaper. 

The instructor was speaking from experience. Although she was the director of the University’s MBA program, had a degree in economics, and an extensive background in financial services, she had a long history of financial neglect in managing her own money.

“I had all the technical information to act in a responsible way, but I wasn’t doing it,” she told us. “I realized that I may have some deeper issues and I better start working on them.” 

Reflecting back, I asked myself: Why does the mainstream, male dominated financial industry still  takes a strictly intellectual, left brain approach? 

Why don’t they get that, regardless of IQ, education or experience, many continue to behave in disturbingly irresponsible ways with money?   

The industry focuses solely on changing behaviors. Yet our behaviors are not the problem. They are symptoms of something deeper. And we aren’t likely to find the solution “out there’, in a conventional finance class or book. 

If you see yourself exhibiting self-sabotaging behavior, keep this in mind. While you’re learning the facts you also need to examine your blocks. While you’re exploring the difference between a stock and a bond, you also need to delve into your attitudes, beliefs and early messages about money.

Unless you do the inner work, shifting your behavior will be a constant struggle.

Have you done The Inner Work of Wealth? What early beliefs about money did you uncover? Leave me a comment below.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Join the conversation today!

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How Does One Become Wealthy? Part 3

According to success guru, Jack Canfield, “Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”

I thought of that quote when a woman, in one of my groups, recently posted: “Even though I say I want to create wealth, I keep signing up for more courses that kept putting me deeper in debt.”

I hear this all the time. Taking endless classes feels like you’re taking action, but it’s actually an act of self-deception. So I responded with a question: why don’t you want wealth?

When an unconscious desire—say, to conform to family patterns—is stronger than your spoken intention—to be wealthy—you’ll stop yourself at every turn.

You’ll water down your efforts, make misguided choices, and justify your actions with a variety of excuses. You may say, and believe, you want to be wealthy, but that’s not the message that’s reaching your brain.

There’s a story about two caterpillars that spy a butterfly high overhead. One turns to the other and says, ‘You’ll never get me up in one of those things!’

In many ways we’re like that caterpillar. We get a glimpse of what’s possible and immediately get cold feet. We may say we want something, but deep down, a muted voice is convincingly arguing, ‘No you don’t.’ 

I’d love to know if you’ve struggled with an internal conflict: part of you wants something, part of you doesn’t. Leave me a comment below.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Join the conversation today!

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How Does One Become Wealthy? Part 2

Here’s the good news about creating wealth. Believing that you can do it, or not, is inconsequential. You just have to decide that’s what you want and be willing to do whatever comes next.

Powerful intentions produce sheer miracles. There’s a sort of magic inherent in a strong intention that will carry you through the toughest and scariest of times.

Here’s a 2-part exercise for creating a powerful intention.

1st Fill in the blank:

My intention is_________________.

You may have more than one, but for now, limit it to one. Be very specific. You can always add, change or modify later.

2nd  Ask yourself this question:

Why do I want to create wealth? Why is it important to me? What will wealth allow me to do?

This is the Higher Work of Wealth. When you can tie creating wealth to your deepest desires, you’ll be far more likely to stay the course despite the obstacles. And there are always obstacles.

But if your desire is greater than your fear, success is inevitable. 

Can you identify your deepest desires when it comes to creating wealth? Leave me a comment below.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Join the conversation today!

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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