Women & Power
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An Eye-Opening Exercise

Having trouble getting a handle on money? Try this eye-opening exercise. I call it The Sacred Wealth Circle.

On a blank piece of paper, draw a large circle. Inside the circle, write the names of people you can talk to about money.

Then, outside the circle, write down the names of people you are close to, but can’t discuss finances with because they tend to be naysayers or aren’t interested.

What did you discover?  If you’re like most, there’s not many names inside your circle.

Finding support is critical to gaining financial savvy—from friends, family, mentors and role models. While no one can do it for us, we cannot—should not—do it alone.  

The world needs more supportive communities of women talking openly, candidly about topics that have been taboo for centuries: money, wealth, and power.

That’s why I created my online community,The Wealth Connection—a safe place to talk about money, as women. If you’re interested, click here to learn more.

I’d love to hear what you discovered from doing this exercise? Leave a comment below.

Did you miss my free call, The ReWIRE Response: Mind Training for Wealth & Well-Being? I shared 3 simple steps to train you mind to rewire your brain. Click here to listen

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Taking Your Power Back

Check if any of these apply to you:

  • You’re angry, but don’t say anything.
  • You’d like to say ‘no,’ but you can’t.
  • You want something, but don’t ask for it.
  • You get an idea but don’t act on it.

If you’ve checked even one, it’s a sign you’re giving your power away. And I promise, you’re not alone.

The question is: Why are so many women reluctant to say what we think, feel, or need? 

Mostly, to avoid conflict. We’re afraid if we take a stand, we’ll be rejected, disliked, or disapproved of. Instead, we water ourselves down so as not to make waves.

Over time, such acts of self-betrayal destroys our self-esteem, our level of success and quality of life.

Good news! If you can give your power away, you can also take it back. How? 3 Steps.

  1. Ask yourself the Power Question—What do I want? Not what does my husband, or kids or boss or society wants. What do I want? This isn’t a question we’ve often asked, so it may take time to answer.
  2. Look for opportunities to say no to what you don’t want, ask for what you do want, and express what you feel and think. If this is new, it will be very uncomfortable. Do your best.
  3. Get support. Seek out people to be cheerleaders, sounding boards and role models. We women need support when things are scary. And risking backlash can be very scary. But when you think about it…self-betrayal is even scarier.

I’d love to hear where you’ve given your power away…and how you took it back! Leave me a comment below.

If you desire power and control over your money, have a reliable and are no longer debting, I’d like to invite you to schedule a FREE Wealth Clarity Call with one of my team members. Schedule your call now!

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No More Claw Marks

There’s a story about an experienced mountain climber who trips, falls and is clinging to the side of a ledge.

“Help me, God,” she cries. Then she hears a voice:

“I’ll help you Sadie, but first must do one thing,”

“I’ll do anything,” she cries.

And the voice replies, “You gotta’ let go of the ledge.”

That’s what adversity continually calls us to do: Let go of what is holding us back. If you’re struggling with a seemingly insoluble problem, ask yourself, right now: What do I need to release? And see what comes up.

It may be something tangible, like a job, a relationship, a geographic location. Or it could be an attitude, belief or emotion, like anger, fear, or self-doubt.

I promise you one thing: it’ll probably be what you’re most afraid to give up.

Why is this important? Because letting go creates space for something new to enter.

What do you suspect you need to let go of? Share in the comments.

Wondering where to begin on Your Path to Prosperity? Take this short quiz to find out. Click here.

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What do Money and a Chainsaw Have in Common?

“Only those who have a real and lasting sense of abundance can be charitable.”~ACIM

As I see it,  money is merely a tool for living life on your own terms. But like any tool, you must understand how to use it skillfully and wisely to get the maximum benefit with minimum risk.

I think of my husband’s chainsaw which he expertly operates. In my hands, it would lead to disaster.

Let me give you the simple Instructions for skillfully handling money (also known as the 4 Rules of Wealth): 1)  Spend less; 2) Save more; 3) Invest wisely; 4)  Give generously

The first 3 are the How-to’s. The 4th is the Why.

If you’re having a hard time following the how-to instructions, perhaps you need a stronger, clearer why. This is what motivates women to become financially successful–not just having more money in the bank, but using it to help others.

 Those who master all four become what I call  Affluencers—women who not only create wealth but wield significant influence, in areas they feel passionate about.
What’s your Why? Leave a comment below.

If you enjoyed these “Words of Wealth”, head over to my website and sign-up for my FREE weekly newsletter at: www.barbara-huson.com

Money: Thy Name is Woman

Women with money and women in power are two uncomfortable ideas in our society. ~~Candace Bushnell

Do you know  the origin of the word “money”? It might surprise you.

The English word for money came from a Roman goddess, whose name was Juno Moneta. In ancient Rome, she was the guardian of finances. Her temple became the first treasury. It was in her temple that the earliest coins were minted.

Think about what this means. As women, money and power are our birthright. Don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise!

I’m curious. Did the fact that money was named for a Roman goddess surprise you? Leave a comment below.

Wondering how to take charge of your money? Don’t know where to start? Take my short Path to Prosperity Quiz to find out. Click here.
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Why Wealth Matters

I dream of the day when every woman knows, deep down, that she has the capacity to create wealth and the confidence to actually do it. 

I suspect for some of you, however, the mere mention of the “W” word feels wrong, bad, like ‘how can I be rich when so many are poor?’ 

But consider the words of Abraham Lincoln: “If you want to help a poor person, do not be one.” 

Besides, creating wealth is about far more than amassing riches. It’s about waking up to the truth of who you are and the power you have, the enormous power, to not only create wealth but to use it as a tool to help others.

I love how Rev. Michael Beckwith put it: “You can’t be light of the world if you can’t pay light bills.” 

Sure, I want you to be able to pay your bills.  But my deepest desire is to see you shining your light at maximum wattage, without the distraction of insufficient funds or unhealthy financial habits. 

No more dimming yourself down to please others or refraining from rocking the boat so you don’t make waves.  It’s time for you to make waves. Big ones. I want to see a tsunami of women shaking up the world, shining their light, eradicating the darkness that’s so pervasive on this planet.

How do you feel about creating wealth for yourself? I’d love to know. Share below.

Do you know that women learn better in community? Try my new virtual community, The Wealth Connection and learn to Grow Your Wealth!

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The Caterpillar Story

Two caterpillars spy a butterfly overhead. One turns to the other and says “You’ll never get me up in one of those things.”

Do you ever feel like that caterpillar?  Part of you wants to fly. Another part clearly doesn’t.

That’s precisely what’s going on when you feel stuck–an internal conflict. Part wants to. Part doesn’t.

The trick to getting unstuck isn’t by denying or disputing your resistance. What you ignore, you empower. What you resist, persists.

I speak from experience. After my divorce, I tried hard to learn about money. But nothing worked. I’d pick up a book, attend a class only to fog up, glaze over, give up. Until one day, a therapist challenged me. 

“You know Barbara,” he said bluntly, “you really don’t want to get smart about money.”

I couldn’t argue. In that moment, I met the part of me that desperately wanted to stay ignorant. The part that was terrified of angering her parents, losing everything, and most of all, afraid no man would love a financially savvy woman. 

I spent months getting to know this part. But I also did something quite smart. I kept repeating affirmations in an effort to fortify the other part. I AM smart about money. I AM excited to learn. I AM a great role model for my kids. I AM attracting a man who loves a powerful woman.

I now realize I was literally rewiring my brain. Instead of dwelling on what scared me, I focused on what I wanted to create, how I wanted to feel…even if it seemed impossible.  As neuroscientists tell us, what flows through the mind creates pathways that wires the brain 

Slowly the fog lifted. I actually began enjoying the learning process, seeing results, relishing how powerful I felt. Those feelings haven’t changed in over 30 years. 

How do you focus on the change you want to create? Leave a comment below.

Do you struggle to understand investing? Men and women view wealth & power through very different lenses. Join me for this FREE call: Women & Wealth: We’re Different than Men & Why that Matters and I’ll help you become a Savvy Investor and begin to build Wealth, as a womanRegister Now!

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Lifting Heavier Weights

Have you noticed, in gyms, when guys are lifting really heavy weights, they ask someone, often a perfect stranger, to spot them?    

How many times have you seen a woman do that?  Hardly ever! We’ll hire trainers. But ask another to spot us? Unthinkable.

I always thought this scenario was a perfect metaphor for how many women tend to approach life.  Here’s why:

1st, we rarely lift very heavy weights. 

2nd, we don’t want to bother anyone. 

3rd, we’re determined to do it alone.

Yet, to achieve success, in anything, requires us to lift heavier weights. This is how we build up confidence and strength to climb to greater heights.

And we can’t do it alone. We need spotters—people we trust to have our backs, to encourage us when the going gets tough or high-five us when we finally lift that heavy weight.

Seven years ago, I shared my gym observation with a friend, Suzy Carroll, who, being the leader she is, formed a spotters group with four of us. What a remarkable experience it’s been.

Once a month, we gather after work, or lately, on the weekends, at someone’s house. Each one takes her turn, sharing what’s on her mind, be it a troublesome situation or a thrilling victory. The others offer loving support, candid feedback, often relating their own similar experiences.

Our meetings usually last about two hours. We don’t leave without setting another date when we’re all available. Not an easy task for busy women, but we’ve made it work.

It’s been incredible to witness how each of us has grown, in ways we could never have imagined at the outset. And we know, with utter certainty, we would’ve never progressed this far alone.

I heartily encourage you to form your own spotters group. I swear…it’s truly life changing.

Do you have a support group you’re part of? Tell me about it below.

Looking for support? I created my virtual community, The Wealth Connection to support women in their financial journey. Join today and hop on my Live Office Hours Call! www.husonwealthconnection.com

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The Myth of the Massive Leap

I recently got a message on Facebook: “I want to make a quantum leap. Tell me, Barbara, how do I do that?”


My answer: “Take lots of tiny steps.”

If her lack of response was any indication, I don’t think she liked my reply.


But the truth is, that’s precisely how quantum leaps, colossal successes, radical transformations occur…one small step at a time.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better description of this process than a quote by one of my favorite actresses, Julianne Moore. 

“You don’t start out thinking, I’m going to be a star!

You think, I hope I get an agent.

Then, I hope I get an audition.

Then, I hope I get a job. 

If you think too far ahead, it’s just overwhelming.

It’s better to just keep on going, bit by bit, one foot in front of the other.”

Amen to that! The most dazzling dreams start with the most trivial activities—looking up a phone number, making an appointment, writing an email.


What small step will you make in the direction of your dreams? Leave a comment below.

Want to learn how to go From Consumer to Wealth Builder…even during the holidays? Join me November 13th for a FREE call. Register here!

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Is It Just Me? Or Are You Angry Too?

Excuse me while I vent. My insides are seething with rage and frustration. I write this to make sense of it all.

My fury was fostered during the 2016 election with the alarming rise of blatant misogyny, which despite #MeToo, continues to intensify.

It’s certainly not all men. But reading the news is both infuriating and deeply painful. I feel like my heart is being ripped from my chest every time I witness another woman being belittled, harassed, marginalized or disparaged.

As one who’s devoted my entire career to women’s liberation and empowerment, I feel inexpressibly sad. And deeply disturbed by what I see. Even Lean In author Sheryl Sandberg recently announced that women’s progress has essentially “dragged to a halt.”

And she issued a dire warning, reported in the Wall Street Journal: “We’re at a really critical moment. Women are entering the US workforce in the highest numbers in decades, but gender parity isn’t improving.”

Yes, we’re “liberated.” We’re free to work…or not. But alas (heavy sigh) we have yet to be respected, valued or treated as equals.

If, as Sheryl cautioned, this is a critical moment, what can I, what can we do?

The instant I asked that question, I heard Gandhi’s guidance. What if we, as individuals, intensify our efforts to become the change we want to see in the world?

What if we each focus on strengthening our own sense of self-respect by ceasing to belittle, marginalize, or disparage our self?

What if you and I genuinely valued all that we bring to the table, especially those gifts we take for granted? What if each of us commits to reaching our fullest potential, despite the obstacles and fears?

Is that the solution for transforming our divisive culture into one of mutual respect? I have no idea. But it’s a place to start. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this issue. Leave me a comment below.

If you enjoyed this Words of Wealth, click here to receive a copy in your inbox every week.

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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