Women & Power

Ending the Imposter Syndrome

I had a huge surprise when interviewing high earners for my book, Secrets of Six-Figure Women.

I expected these women to be extremely confident. And they were indeed.

What I never expected was how many of these “confident” women actually felt like a fraud and were terrified others would find out.

Their level of fear was astonishing. But their courage was inspiring. In fact, after one of those interviews, I grabbed a blank piece of paper and wrote, in red crayon: “Do What You Fear. That’s How You Succeed.” I framed it and put it on a table across from my desk where it still stands today. 

Putting Yourself First

A friend, after several difficult setbacks followed by an extended period of self-improvement, finally came to a profound realization.

“My primary business in my life is taking care of me!” she declared.

That statement may, on the surface, sound appallingly selfish. But in truth, it’s admirable and wise.

You can never fully help another until you first take care of yourself.

Even if you have young kids, elderly parents, or an overgrown garden depending on you, you must put your oxygen mask on first to be in any condition to take care of them.

Why Are We So Afraid of Power?

What scares us most about financial success is not that we may fall short, but that we may actually take flight.

I see it in so many women. I saw it myself.  We’re terrified to discover that we might be ‘powerful beyond measure.’ And for good reason.

When we claim our power, we raise the stakes. Power insists we become responsible adults, the primary authority in our life…autonomous, accountable, and as singer/songwriter Helen Reddy crooned, “too big to ignore.”

Leap Before You Look: The Secret to Playing Bigger 

You’re eager to play a bigger game. You’re smart, ambitious, with a solid plan in place. But, damn it, you can’t seem to make any headway.

Want to know what’s holding you back? Those devilish how-to’s, the belief that you must have it all figured out before you even begin.

Plotting every step in advance may feel safe, even smart. But it’ll blind you to all the unexpected opportunities that will inevitably appear.

I was stuck in this mindset most of my life…until I interviewed six-figure women.

Their stellar success followed a three-step strategy: 

  1. Set a goal.
  2. Commit to reach it, without having a full-blown plan in place.
  3. Pursue any coincidences that fall in your lap. 

Step 2 is the game changer. Commitment acts like a magnet, attracting opportunities that often come disguised as coincidences.  If you’re not seeing coincidences, it’s likely a sign that you’re not totally committed. 

The Trauma Trap

She was a high-level executive who hated her job. Her boss was a bully, the work was boring at best, and despite her massive salary, she could barely cover expenses. The thought of leaving terrified her.

I could tell she didn’t expect my first question. 

“What was it like for you growing up?” I asked.

She paused before replying: “My mother was abusive. My father an alcoholic. Money was a huge source of stress. I was always walking on eggshells,”

“It sounds like you’re recreating your childhood in your job,” I pointed out.

“OMG,” she gasped. “I did the same in my marriage.”

She was shocked. I wasn’t.

Law of Attraction Not Working for You? Here’s the Missing Piece.

Is there anyone on the planet who hasn’t heard of the ‘Law of Attraction’. It’s the buzzword of the decade. I see it everywhere—books, articles, YouTube gurus—all singing its praises.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction says: you attract whatever you want into your life through your ability to feel good, think positively, and focus only on the desired outcome.

So, if you want to be rich, don’t focus on lack.

But there’s a catch:  How many people—maybe you’re one—really want wealth, focus only on abundance….and yet, their bills pile up, their savings shrink?

The Motivating Power of Divine Conviction

While cleaning out my files, I discovered a crumpled-up article from the Wall Street Journal, with no date, but faded with age. The subject quickly grabbed my attention.

The reporter asked a bevy of the biggest super stars the secret to their stellar success. What he found surprised him…and fascinated me.

These luminaries—mostly pop singers, pro athletes, and movie stars–gave God all the credit.

3 Questions to Ask When Wrestling with Uncertainty

Have you ever wondered if you might be settling for less than you truly desire? It’s a daunting question, isn’t it?

But the bigger question is, how do you even know what you genuinely want?

I bring this up because I feel like I’m hearing more women wondering if they’re in the right job, the right relationship, the right city….then inevitably asking: “But how do I even figure out what I really want?

If you’re wrestling with uncertainty, let me share a profound process I used years ago, when I was miserably unhappy and utterly confused.

I asked myself 3 questions. I’m not sure where I found those questions, but they proved to be a game changer as I sat quietly, pondering each one, allowing the answers to emerge until I had clarity:

The Poem That Forever Changed My Financial Life

I was leafing through some old files when I found a poem from a lifetime ago. Suddenly waves of painful, memories flooded my brain.

My life was in shambles. My husband’s gambling was out of control.  I begged God for help, just as I begged my husband to stop gambling. Both ignored me.

Then one day an envelope arrived with no return address. There was a poem inside- no title, neatly typed, all caps, on crisp white paper. I read it and gasped. The message was clear—I had to face my fear.

Who’s Spotting You?

Have you noticed, in gyms, when guys are lifting really heavy weights, they ask someone, often a perfect stranger, to spot them? How many times have you seen a woman tap someone to help them? Hardly ever!

Why? Because we seldom lift very heavy weights; we don’t want to bother anyone; and we’re determined to do it alone.

But financial success requires you to lift heavier weights in order to build up your confidence, strengthen your resolve and climb to greater heights.

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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