Women & Wealth
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Consciousness Raising While Holiday Shopping

Here’s another post I’m re-visiting from 2018…Enjoy!

Tis the season to be spending. But splurging on presents is like bingeing at the buffet. Fun at first, but afterwards, you feel awful! 

Let me suggest a simple tip to control holiday spending (while raising your consciousness), without turning into a tightwad: Track your spending.

Every time you buy anything—a holiday gift or a cup of coffee—jot down the item and the amount…at the time of purchase.Otherwise, receipts pile up and it feels overwhelming.

Believe me, tracking is not just for those with limited means. Tracking is a powerful consciousness raising and potentially life changing tool.  It reveals a lot more than where you can shave and save.

For one thing, the numbers tell a story about your life. For example, when you look at where you aren’t spending—say vacations, doctor visits or new underwear—do you see where you may be depriving yourself? 

When you look at where you are spending,do your purchases reflect your values, what’s really important to you?  Or are you trying to fill a hole in your soul that no amount of ‘stuff’ will ever fill.

Furthermore, tracking has a ripple effect.There was a fascinating Australian study where participants wrote down every purchase, with surprising results.

Not only did their financial lives improve, but they also smoked and drank less, ate less junk food and even found they were more productive.

“As people strengthened their willpower muscles in one part of their lives — in the gym, or a money management program — that strength spilled over into what they ate or how hard they worked,” the study discovered. “Once willpower became stronger, it touched everything.”

Tracking your spending, it turns out, is a great gift to give yourself this holiday season. 

I’d love to hear what you discovered by tracking your spending. Share a comment below.

Interesting imageGive yourself the gift of community this holiday season. Join my virtual community The Wealth Connection. It’s the place for women to come together to become Savvy and Confident Investors and find support every step of the way!

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I’m in Resistance! How Do I Get Out of It?

You know the feeling. You finally decide to take the financial reins. You’ll pay off your debt, save for emergencies, invest regularly for retirement.

Off you go—to take a financial class, talk to an advisor, buy a money book—when suddenly, you run smack dab into Resistance.

Resistance is the psychological term for, “I don’t want to do this!”

You cancel the appointment, lose interest in the book, sit through the class, but nothing sinks in. You figure money’s not your thing.  Eventually, you quit trying.

Resistance, more than anything else, is what stops women from taking the financial reins. But it doesn’t need to derail you, at least not for long.

You need to understand that resistance is normal. It’s a signal that you’re changing, not that something is wrong.

Find a friend, a colleague or financial professional to hold you accountable. Whatever it is you don’t want to do, that is exactly what you need to do next.

Dig deeper to find what lies on the other side of Resistance.

It’s your Power.

And that’s really what scares us. Not managing our money, but owning our power.

Which is why I created The Wealth Connection, an online community of women supporting women ready to claim their power. I invite you to check it out here.

I’d love to hear what you’ve done to overcome your resistance. Leave me a comment below.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Now only $47/month!  Join the conversation today!

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How Do You Know When You’re Really RICH?

Quick, answer this question with the first number that comes to mind:  How much money does it take to be 

Of course, you may argue, there’s more to being rich than having money—there’s love, health, freedom, etc. All true. But for the purpose of this blog, and in the spirit of research, let’s stick with a specific figure.

According to Robert Frank’s blog, The Wealth Report, no one can agree on a specific amount.

  • The Federal Reserve claims you’re in the top 5% of Americans if you have a networth of $1.4 million.
  • In a poll by Spectrem Group of affluent people, only 22% said $1 million makes you rich.
  • The majority (45%) of this poll said it took at least $5 million to qualify.
  • A quarter of the respondents swore that you need a minimum of $25 million.
  • A few (8%) even put the winning number at $100 million.
  • Other studies find that people “always give a number that is twice their current net worth or income. Those with $100,000 in income say $200,000, while those worth $5million say $10 million.”

The best definition I’ve ever seen for “rich” goes like this: “rich is when you work because you want to, not because you have to.” I don’t know who said it, but it makes the most sense.

Anyone have a better definition than that?? Leave me a comment below.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Now only $47/month!  Join the conversation today!


12 Surefire Tips to Successfully Negotiate

To state the obvious—the  most efficient way for entrepreneurs to earn more is to raise their prices. 


The same holds true if you’re an employee. You must negotiate for more, whether taking a new job or requesting a raise.


Yet this comes as a revelation to many, and a source terror to most.  


But think about this. Linda Babcock, in Women Don’t Ask: Negotiation and Gender Divide writes, “A woman who routinely negotiates her salary increases will earn over $1 million dollars more by the time she retires than a woman who accepts what she’s offered every time without asking for more.” 


A salary offer is not a foregone conclusion. Ninety percent of Human Resource professionals polled expect salaries to be negotiated.  Here are 12 surefire tips for a successful negotiation.


1.  Research the going rates in your field. Ask the high end of the spectrum. You can always negotiate down, but never up.  


2.   Have points prepared, build a case, around your value and what you bring to the company.


3.  Always start negotiations on a positive note. For example, thank the employer for the opportunity before making a counter offer.


4.  “No” means “not now.” 


5.  Negotiate salary only after a job offer. Don’t be the first to bring it up. As one expert explained, “Make them fall in love with you before talking money.”


6.  Can’t get the amount you want? Negotiate other items: early salary review, profit sharing, educational programs, etc


7.  Act confident (even if you don’t feel it). Communicate with authority. Perceived confidence has a big impact.


8.  Request 24 to 72 hours to think over the offer.


9.  If someone acts put off by a reasonable counter offer, consider it a red flag or negotiating ploy. Perhaps the employer doesn’t value you or wants to intimidate you into agreement.


10.  The best time to negotiate is when you have job offers from another company.


11.  Get the offer in writing.


12,  Above all, focus on relationship building. It’s tougher for someone to say ‘no’ if they like you.


How do you feel about negotiating? Leave a comment below.

Would you like to try out coaching with me? Join The Wealth Connection for six-months—Only $297 and get a 30- minute private coaching session with me! (The coaching alone is a $300 value.) Or take advantage of the twice monthly group coaching—only $47/month.  JOIN TODAY!

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Wanna Know the Real Secrets to Six-Figures?

When I interviewed six-figure women, I discovered 8 secrets to becoming a high earner. They weren’t at all what I expected.


I’ve listed them below. Try them on. Test them out. Apply them to your situation. Do any conflict with your current assumptions?


Secret #1: Financial success is possible in almost any field, and lack of education doesn’t have to hold you back!


Secret #2: Working hard doesn’t mean working all the time.


Secret #3: Focus on fulfilling your values rather than achieving financial goals.


Secret #4: Loving what you do is much more important than what you do.


Secret #5: Feel the fear. Have the doubts. Go for it anyway.


Secret #6: Think in terms of trade-offs, not sacrifices, to find a workable balance.


Secret #7: Sometimes you just have to shrug it off and have a good laugh.


Secret #8: Appreciate abundance.


These 8 secrets became the guiding principles that shaped these women’s success. They certainly shaped mine. May they do the same for you. 


If you’re a six-figure woman (or on your way to becoming one) share one of your secrets of success here.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Now only $47/month!  Join the conversation today!

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Is Financial Success a Pressing Priority?

You say you want to make more money, right? But understand this. Nothing will happen until you make a conscious commitment, until financial success becomes a pressing priority.

A commitment is not the same as a goal. A goal denotes the desired destination. A commitment means you’re determined to reach it…no matter what.

Here’s the beauty of a committed decision. You don’t need to have a plan all figured out. All you have to do is decide what you want and do what comes next.

Commitments are like magnets. They attract opportunities.

But be warned: those opportunities always lie just outside your comfort zone. At some point you must decide what you’re really committed to: increasing your income or staying where it’s safe. You can’t have both.

Are you committed to financial success? Yes or no? Leave a comment below and tell me about the next step you’ll need to take.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Now only $47/month!  Join the conversation today!

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Who Said Money Equals Power?

Money does not give you power. Power comes from the choices you make. That’s a very important distinction. Not all high earners are powerful women.

Successful women fall into two groups. The Successful High Earners and the Hard-driven High Earners.

Hard Driven High Earners are superwomen on steroids, classic workaholics, wholl breakdown before they slow down. They are not powerful women. They live in deprivation…not necessarily of money, but time, joy, freedom, and control of their life.

Successful High Earners, on the other hand, actually take time for relaxation and self-reflection. Their decisions are based, not on fear, but on their most cherished values.

One Successful High Earner I interviewed told me about a workshop where she was asked this question: If you were on your deathbed, looking back at your life, what would make you feel happiest and satisfied with how you lived?  From that came a list of her top 5 values.

Soon after, a friend asked her to be on the board of a business he was starting in China. The meetings would be all expense paid weekends in San Francisco. There was a time she would’ve jumped at the chance but, she realized, Chinese business wasn’t one of her priorities.

“It would’ve been fun,” she told me. “I would’ve met interesting people, but it would’ve taken me away from my partner and the book I was writing, the truly important things in my life.

Have you looked at your top values lately? Are you living your priorities? Leave a comment below.

Would you like to try out coaching with me? Join The Wealth Connection for six-months—Only $297 and get a 30- minute private coaching session with me! (The coaching alone is a $300 value.) Or take advantage of the twice monthly group coaching—only $47/month.  JOIN TODAY!

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Still Looking for Prince Charming?

As I was writing my first book, I saw that there was a pivotal moment, in every woman’s story, when she finally realized—No one will do this for me. Prince Charming isn’t coming. 

I’m here to tell you: Dispelling the Prince Charming myth is the most important financial decision you will ever make.

Let me warn you. Prince Charming doesn’t need to be a man. PC could be the lottery, an insurance settlement, or just an amorphous something…anything you imagine will rescue you financially.

Trying to manage money while harboring a rescue fantasy is like driving a car with watered down gas. You’re just not going to get very far.

But rest assured, it’s the myth, not the man, that has to go. You can have your Prince. You just need to change the job description. He’s no longer your rescuer or your savior. He is your partner.

Who or what do you think will somehow rescue from your financial difficulties?  Tell me about it in the comments below.

Would you like to try out coaching with me? Join The Wealth Connection for six-months—Only $297 and get a 30- minute private coaching session with me! (The coaching alone is a $300 value.) Or take advantage of the twice monthly group coaching—only $47/month.  JOIN TODAY!

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Let the Truth be Told

I constantly get this question: “I want to make more money. Where do I begin?”


My response usually comes as a surprise.


“Begin by admitting what’s not working in your life,” I say. They look puzzled.


“There’s tremendous power in telling the truth,” I explain. “In my interviews with former underearners I noticed that their financial achievement or breakthrough was often preceded by a financial or personal challenge—one they could not ignore.”


Problems have a purpose. They are there to get our attention.


Until you stop denying, or diminishing, your difficulties, you can’t possibly do anything differently.


Your first peek at the truth may evoke temporary panic. But, rest assured, situations can rapidly improve once you take off the blindfold.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Now only $47/month!  Join the conversation today!

What do you say when someone calls you a B*tch? Thank You!

One question I always ask financially successful women: What is your biggest regret?  

Almost everyone has the same response. Not speaking up sooner. As one woman, a 7th grade drop-out,  told me: “You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you demand.”  

But even the most successful found it downright scary to ask for what they wanted, to say no to what they didn’t.  

You know why? Studies prove that assertive, forceful men are given high marks by their bosses.  Assertive, forceful women are labeled a bitch.   

I’m here to tell you—being a bitch is not a bad thing. That’s where our power is.

I’m not talking about the bitchy part. That’s the co-dependent in us who suppresses her true needs and gets very resentful. 

The bitch is the powerful part who refuses to be a doormat, a victim, or tolerate injustices; who has the courage to be who she is and want what she wants. 

 Because you see, a bitch is a Babe In Total Control of Herself. 

What do you do to stand up for what you want? Tell me in the comments below.

Get the support you need to create the Wealth you desire in my virtual community of women supporting women, The Wealth Connection. Now only $47/month!  Join the conversation today!

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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