Women & Wealth
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The 3 Questions. (Everything You Need to Know About Creating Wealth)

I’ve recently had a number of conversations that centered on 3 questions.

  • What is Wealth?  
  • How do you create Wealth (without becoming a workaholic?) 
  • Why is creating Wealth so scary?  

Today, I’d love to share my responses. Let’s begin with the first. Simply put, Wealth is having more than you need…so money ceases to be a source of stress and becomes a tool for living life fully.

But like any tool, you must understand how to use it skillfully and wisely to get maximum benefit with minimum risk. Which brings us to the 2nd question.

Creating Wealth is actually quite simple.  Just follow these four rules: 1) Spend less; 2) Save more; 3) Invest wisely; 4) Give generously. In that order!!! The first 3 are the How’s. The 4th is the Why.

If it’s that simple, why is it so scary?Because the 3rd rule feels r-r-r-risky. But as Warren Buffet once said: “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” 

In other words: The biggest risk you take, in investing as in life, is making decisions based on fear, ignorance or habit…rather than knowledge (knowledge about investing AND yourself).  

The more you understand the way investing works AND what makes you tick, the easier it is to separate from the herd, manage your emotions, and make informed investment decisions.

Now it’s your turn.  Do you agree or disagree with my responses? Leave me a comment below.

Changing your mindset about Creating Wealth can be a challenge…but you don’t have to do it alone. Join my virtual community The Wealth Connection for the support you need to Become a Savvy & Confident Investor! Join today for only $47/month

Rewiring—Why Willpower is Never Enough

There’s a lot of talk about your money mindset. But, far more important, is understanding how your mind and brain work together.  

In a recent experiment, at the University of South Wales, students were told: “Whatever you do, don’t think about a red apple.”

As you’d expect, most couldn’t get that image out of their mind. Which is quite normal. 

But what about those who swore they’d successfully obliterated the image from their mind?

Well, according to brain scans, “even those people who are good at suppressing certain thoughts still harbor traces of the thought in [ their brain’s] cortex.”  

And any deeply embedded thought—say of scarcity or inadequacy—exerts an irrepressible force to behave accordingly, regardless of your efforts to change.  

Will power—trying not to think about buying those to-die-for designer shoes, which are way out of your budget—is a fruitless task. A far better (and easier) solution—thought substitution rather than thought control. 

So instead of NOT thinking of the red apple or NOT buying the designer shoes, you’d be far more successful substituting a dramatically different thought, like imagining a white cloud or a surplus of cash in your savings account.  

“Using brute force to not think about something simply won’t work,” noted the study, “Because the thought is actually there in our brains.”

From now on, stop struggling to exert willpower and focus on rewiring your brain by calmly and continually repeating positive affirmations, such as:  I love watching my bank balance grow; It’s so fun to save; I am smart with money and my Future Self thanks me.

What deeply embedded thoughts do you live with and what could you substitute to improve your relationship with money? Leave me a comment below.

Mentorship ProgramThere’s still time to join the Spring 2019 Session of my ReWIRE Mentorship Program!
If you are eager to create Wealth & Well-Being in your life, apply for this 5-month Mentorship program today!
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5 Things $mart Women Do

There’s an old joke. Why did God create economists? To make weather forecasters look good.

The truth is, no one knows what the economy, or the various markets, are going to do.

I used to think there were a list of secrets that smart people, mostly men, knew. And if I could just get my hand on that list, I’d finally understand money.

But as I grew smarter, it became apparent. There are no secrets. But there are smart things that smart people do.

Here are five of them that really helped me.

1. Trust your intuition—most smart women tell me they made their worst mistakes when they didn’t trust their better judgement.
2. Learn from your mistakes—too many women become paralyzed by their fear of making mistakes. But smart women told me their biggest blunders were actually their best teachers. You can minimize those mistakes by following the next 3 suggestions.
3. Go slow—take time to educate yourself and develop a game plan,
4. Start small. Invest regularly. Diversify broadly.—invest small amounts of money, on a regular basis, among various categories, or asset classes, putting only what you can afford to lose in any single investment.
5.Understand what you’re buying—never put money in anything you don’t understand. Not only do you not know what you’re buying, but you won’t know when it’s time to sell.

What’s the best investment advice you ever received? Leave me a comment.

There’s still time to join the next session of my 5-month ReWIRE Mentorship Program!  Click here to learn more.

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Gambling vs Investing

I’ve often heard people say: “Investing is no different that gambling.”

Au contraire. There is a big distinction between gambling and investing.

Gambling looks like this:

  • Buying stocks or bonds willy-nilly
  • Following a hot tip
  • Purchasing the hottest fund
  • Trying to time the market (buying when it’s high, freaking out and selling when it plunging)
  • Deferring decisions to another and sticking your head in the sand

Investing, on the other hand, looks like this:

  • Creating a financial plan based on your goals and risk tolerance
  • Building a diversified portfolio, based on the plan
  • Adhering to the plan until something changes
  • Making decisions supported by your plan not your emotions
  • Taking a long term approach (gambling is all about rapid gains)

Having a plan is the key distinction. If you don’t have an idea of where you want to end up, it will be far more difficult to make the right decisions.

Do you have a financial plan in place? Leave a comment below.

Did you miss my free call, The ReWIRE Response: Mind Training for Wealth & Well-Being? I shared 3 simple steps to train you mind to rewire your brain. Click here to listen

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An Eye-Opening Exercise

Having trouble getting a handle on money? Try this eye-opening exercise. I call it The Sacred Wealth Circle.

On a blank piece of paper, draw a large circle. Inside the circle, write the names of people you can talk to about money.

Then, outside the circle, write down the names of people you are close to, but can’t discuss finances with because they tend to be naysayers or aren’t interested.

What did you discover?  If you’re like most, there’s not many names inside your circle.

Finding support is critical to gaining financial savvy—from friends, family, mentors and role models. While no one can do it for us, we cannot—should not—do it alone.  

The world needs more supportive communities of women talking openly, candidly about topics that have been taboo for centuries: money, wealth, and power.

That’s why I created my online community,The Wealth Connection—a safe place to talk about money, as women. If you’re interested, click here to learn more.

I’d love to hear what you discovered from doing this exercise? Leave a comment below.

Did you miss my free call, The ReWIRE Response: Mind Training for Wealth & Well-Being? I shared 3 simple steps to train you mind to rewire your brain. Click here to listen

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Unexpected Miracles & Exciting Changes

Sometimes change comes quietly, unexpectedly, when everything lines up perfectly. Tiny miracles, cosmic winks, unmistakable signs that a Higher Power is orchestrating the whole thing. That’s exactly what happened for me last weekend.

It all began at a Seattle Lady Bosses event, an amazing gathering of women entrepreneurs. Seated in small groups, we were asked to briefly introduce ourselves. When my turn came, I said, “I’m Barbara Huson, a Wealth Coach.”

Then something surprising happened. That title didn’t feel right, like a dress that no longer fit.

“Wait!” I said, without a clue what was coming next. “What I really am is a Financial Therapist.”

I’d never used those words before! Yet it felt like a moment of self-revelation, a declaration of a deep-seated truth.

I’ve always called myself a coach. Yet I was trained as a psychotherapist. My true passion is diving in deep with a financially challenged client, tunneling through the darkness to find the light, revealing and removing what’s blocking her from creating the wealth she desires, the life she deserves and the power she’s denied.

I also love talking about investing, creating wealth. But number crunching…not so much. I guess I assumed I had to do it as part of the package.

Meanwhile, sitting next to me is Linda Lingo, a ReWire client, Wealth Connection member, a CPA and financial coach for women. I’d had my eye on Linda for years, impressed with her knowledgeable (and compassionate) responses to financial questions from others on our calls.

And there she was, having just flown in from California. Divine intervention at its finest. The next day, we met. We talked. We got excited. And a few days later, we signed an agreement.

I’m thrilled to announce that the incredible Linda Lingo, CPA, is joining my team as a Financial Planning Coach. She’s ready to help you with budgeting, retirement planning, investment strategy, debt repayment. Click here for the details.

Now I can focus on what I do best: Financial Therapy. Truly a miracle!

Have you experienced any unexpected miracles lately? I’d love to hear about it. Leave me a comment below.

And if you live near Seattle, I urge you to check out Lady Bosses: http://seattleladybosses.com/lady-bosses/ 

The world needs financially empowered now more than ever. That’s why I’d like you to join me for a FREE call on April 16th. Register now for The ReWIRE Response: Mind Training for Wealth & Well-Being.

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Taking Your Power Back

Check if any of these apply to you:

  • You’re angry, but don’t say anything.
  • You’d like to say ‘no,’ but you can’t.
  • You want something, but don’t ask for it.
  • You get an idea but don’t act on it.

If you’ve checked even one, it’s a sign you’re giving your power away. And I promise, you’re not alone.

The question is: Why are so many women reluctant to say what we think, feel, or need? 

Mostly, to avoid conflict. We’re afraid if we take a stand, we’ll be rejected, disliked, or disapproved of. Instead, we water ourselves down so as not to make waves.

Over time, such acts of self-betrayal destroys our self-esteem, our level of success and quality of life.

Good news! If you can give your power away, you can also take it back. How? 3 Steps.

  1. Ask yourself the Power Question—What do I want? Not what does my husband, or kids or boss or society wants. What do I want? This isn’t a question we’ve often asked, so it may take time to answer.
  2. Look for opportunities to say no to what you don’t want, ask for what you do want, and express what you feel and think. If this is new, it will be very uncomfortable. Do your best.
  3. Get support. Seek out people to be cheerleaders, sounding boards and role models. We women need support when things are scary. And risking backlash can be very scary. But when you think about it…self-betrayal is even scarier.

I’d love to hear where you’ve given your power away…and how you took it back! Leave me a comment below.

If you desire power and control over your money, have a reliable and are no longer debting, I’d like to invite you to schedule a FREE Wealth Clarity Call with one of my team members. Schedule your call now!

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What do Money and a Chainsaw Have in Common?

“Only those who have a real and lasting sense of abundance can be charitable.”~ACIM

As I see it,  money is merely a tool for living life on your own terms. But like any tool, you must understand how to use it skillfully and wisely to get the maximum benefit with minimum risk.

I think of my husband’s chainsaw which he expertly operates. In my hands, it would lead to disaster.

Let me give you the simple Instructions for skillfully handling money (also known as the 4 Rules of Wealth): 1)  Spend less; 2) Save more; 3) Invest wisely; 4)  Give generously

The first 3 are the How-to’s. The 4th is the Why.

If you’re having a hard time following the how-to instructions, perhaps you need a stronger, clearer why. This is what motivates women to become financially successful–not just having more money in the bank, but using it to help others.

 Those who master all four become what I call  Affluencers—women who not only create wealth but wield significant influence, in areas they feel passionate about.
What’s your Why? Leave a comment below.

If you enjoyed these “Words of Wealth”, head over to my website and sign-up for my FREE weekly newsletter at: www.barbara-huson.com
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The Psychology of Affluence

Scott Fitzgerald once said to Hemingway “The rich are different from you and me.” To which the other author replied: “Yes, they have more money.”

True. But let’s take it a step deeper. The reason the rich have more money, I believe, is that they think differently.

My family was wealthy. So were most their friends. I’ve talked to thousands of affluent women. One day, I made a list of things I consistently hear them say, or imply. I’m not talking about highly paid celebrities that go bankrupt, but those who sustain their wealth over a long period.

I came up with 9 common threads that seem to represent how they think.

  1. I am confident about my ability to create wealth. It’s part of my self-image
  2. I respect money and I value myself.
  3. I understand and follow the financial basics.
  4. I see no obstacles. Only opportunities.
  5. I talk possibility. Not limitation.
  6. I’m willing to do the tough stuff (that scares everyone else…and also me!)
  7. I know how to use risk to amplify my wealth.
  8. I rely on a team to help me manage my money.
  9. I take responsibility…for everything.

These 9 traits make great affirmations. There are probably more. Anything you’d add to this list? Share in the comments.

Wondering how to take charge of your money? Don’t know where to start? Take my short Path to Prosperity Quiz to find out. Click here.

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Are You Wealthy?

Raise your hand if you feel wealthy. (I’m specifically talking about money here.) If not, how much do you need to feel wealthy?  Think about it.


One thing I know for sure, wealth is not an amount. It’s a mindset. I’ve met women worth over $10 million who don’t feel rich. I know many who have far less, like me, and consider themselves wealthy.


What we need is a universal definition of wealth. And here’s what I propose: wealth means you have more than enough. 


In other words, you know you’re wealthy when money ceases to be a source of stress and becomes a useful tool for creating the life of your dreams.


What would it take to make you feel wealthy? Leave a comment below.

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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