Women & Wealth

What’s Your Legacy? Don’t Wait Till It’s Too Late to Think About It.

When I was in my 20’s, I saw a poster that read “Will it matter that I was?” Those words got me thinking about the legacy I wanted to leave, an inquiry that’s still ongoing to this day.

Every one of us leaves a legacy, but surprisingly few reflect on what they want theirs to be. Yet, it’s an important point for us all to ponder.

I once stumbled on a very touching blog written by a hospice physician. She saw how many of her patients were “deeply disturbed” because they hadn’t “contributed anything significant to life.”

“The message I have taken away from these patients,” she wrote, “is that it is far better to contemplate the meaning of life when we actually have some time left to work on the question.”

The Power of Philanthropy

Let’s talk about philanthropy. This is where the real power and true joy resides.

I first realized this when I interviewed smart women for my first book, Prince Charming Isn’t Coming: How Women Get Smart About Money. I thought the whole purpose of taking the financial reins was to have more money in the bank.

But these women were telling me there’s more. Knowing how to invest wisely is merely the first part of taking fiscal responsibility. The other part, equally important, is recognizing you have the power to effect change.

I’m convinced this as an inevitable, evolutionary process. Once a woman becomes financially secure, there’s a natural progression from needing to get a grip on her money to wanting to extend her reach in the world.

As we stop waiting to be saved, we start wanting to serve. As we figure out how to invest for the highest returns, we start wondering where we can invest to achieve the most impact.

Yet philanthropy is usually the least thought out, most disorganized, part of our financial activities. We give more thought to buying a pair of shoes than which causes we donate to.

How Strategic Are You?

When I wrote Secrets of Six-figure Women, I learned how important Strategic Thinking was to their success. Yet it’s not something many women are inclined to engage in. I certainly didn’t.

Strategic thinking means keeping one eye on your higher purpose without taking the other off the bottom line.

Men seem much savvier at strategic thinking. Women, in their eagerness to give back to their community or give birth to their dreams, often neglect this critical step.

To think strategically, you must constantly link your Big Vision to the costs of doing business, connect your mission statement to the profit/loss statement. 

How Much Risk Can You Tolerate?

Risk tolerance. You’ve probably heard those words bandied about when talk turns to investing. But do you know what they mean?

Risk tolerance is generally defined as the ability to stomach large swings in the value of your investment portfolio. Because the market, by nature, is very volatile, understanding your risk tolerance is vital for making prudent decisions.

There are 3 factors to help you figure it out.

The Secret to Success in Only Five Words

One day, I was glancing at the Wall Street Journal, when 5 words grabbed my attention. “The survival of the focused.”

I forget what the article was about. But I knew those five words carried a powerful message. A message High Earners live by. But one Underearners have failed to grasp.

Without focus, it’s easy to get sidetracked by multiple distractions fighting for your attention. But with focus, conflicting objectives cease to control you, making it easier (and less stressful) to take decisive action without second guessing.

What’s the trick to getting focused? Getting crystal clear on your priorities, what’s really important to you.   All else goes on the back burner.

How the Wealthy Think

F. Scott Fitzgerald once declared: “The rich are different than you and me.” To which Ernest Hemingway responded: “Yes. They have more money.”

I’d take it a step further: “But why do the rich have more money?” And my answer would be: “Because the rich think differently.”

So how do the wealthy think? The other day, I made a list of things I consistently hear successful women (and men) say. To be clear, I’m not talking about highly paid celebrities that go bankrupt, but those who sustain their wealth over a long period.

Men vs Women

Note to the financial industry: women are not men. Even though advisors are tripping over each other trying to woo women’s business, they are talking to us just like they do men. Big mistake.

As Einstein once declared, “If you ask a fish to climb a tree, she’ll always feel stupid.” Same is true with money. If you try to approach finances like a man, you’ll always feel like a fish out of water.

True, money knows no gender. But women think and communicate very differently than men.  Apparently, the financial world hasn’t gotten the memo.

Let me explain 3 important differences between the sexes.

Receiving: A Requirement for Success

There is a direct correlation between your level of success and your ability to receive.

Receiving is to our Soul what eating is to our bodies—a source of strength, nourishment, and growth. To gain the benefits from food, you must chew, swallow, digest.

So, too, there are three steps to receiving: Acknowledge, Appreciate, and Assimilate. When you don’t fully engage in each of the three steps, you starve your Soul and your finances can suffer.

Admittedly, receiving can be tricky. Many gifts come camouflaged.

Therefore to receive fully, you must suspend judgmentNothing that happens is ‘good’ or ‘bad’right’ or ‘wrong,’ ‘negative’ or ‘positive.’

Finding Your Purpose (Exercise Included)

In my interviews with highly successful woman—women making high six- and seven-figures–I was struck by how they all seemed possessed by an almost divine sense of purpose.

I was reminded of a quote from Joan of Arc: “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.”

That’s how a Higher Purpose feels. You must do this, no matter what happens, no matter how frightened you are, no matter how impossible it seems.

Purposes can range from the blatantly ambitious (create world peace) to the seemingly trivial (lead a simple life).

STOP What You’re Doing…NOW!!!

I once read a Wall Street Journal interview with George Schultz, former Secretary of State. He recalled running into Steve Job’s wife at a party.

When he asked where her husband was, she responded: “Oh, Steve’s taking six months off to think.”

Taking time off has long been respected by creative geniuses, primitive cultures and Eastern religions.

But few in our society teach, or even encourage, this practice any more. To many, down-time is a dirty word. And I know why.

Without endless activity, we’re left with empty space. And empty space gives rise to painful feelings.

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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