Women & Wealth

Problems Are Your Starting Points

I saw it so clearly, when interviewing successful women. Their financial achievement was invariably preceded by a financial challenge.

Problems have a purpose. They’re trying to get our attention.

The place to begin when faced with a problem is admitting what’s not working in your life. It could be anything from bankruptcy or burn out; from feeling undervalued or overworked; from getting a divorce, or desperately wanting one.

No matter how subtle, how small, or how sizable and scary, your willingness to face the problem head on the first step to breaking through it.

Facing a problem means looking it straight in the eye, even if you haven’t a clue what to do about it…especially if you haven’t a clue.

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Who’s Got Your Back?

Have you noticed, in gyms, when guys are lifting really heavy weights, they often ask someone, usually a perfect stranger, to spot them?

It’s known as The Law of Heavy Lifting. I also call it The Law of Higher Earnings.

How many times have you seen a woman, while working out, tap someone to spot them? I never have.

We’ll hire trainers, but ask another to spot us, especially if we think they’re ‘busy’? Doesn’t happen! Why?

For one thing, we rarely lift very heavy weights. But more likely, it’s because we don’t want to bother anyone. And too often, we’re determined to do it alone.

Financial success, however, requires lifting heavier weights in order to build up our confidence, strengthen our resolve and climb to greater heights.

For this, we need our spotters, people we trust to have our backs, push us further, give us feedback.

Inflation Protection

If you can fog a mirror, you’ve probably heard. Inflation is the highest it’s been in decades.

Inflation is a ravenous creature that devours our dollars like a caterpillar on a leaf–slowly, methodically, little bits at a time. But this recent bout seems more like a famished elephant.

The only way to counter the ravages of rising prices is to make sure at least some of your savings is working harder than it would in a bank, where it earns next to nothing.

In normal times that means the stock market. But with markets in turmoil, many of us are looking for safer alternatives. That’s why I got so excited when I read Jason Zweig’s column in this week’s Wall Street Journal.

“Fortunately, raising the return on your cash is easier than ever,” he declared. “The two best choices are money market funds and U.S. Treasury securities.”

Are You Ready to Radically Change Your Relationship with Money…and Your Life?

Want to radically change your relationship to money…and your life? Write down everything you spend. It’s called tracking your expenses.

Believe me, tracking is not just for budgeting or those with limited means. The numbers reveal a story about your life.

You’ll discover bad habits and blind spots; where you’re putting your time and energy; what’s missing in your life; where you’re not living your values.

Here’s how it works. Buy a small notebook or find an empty checkbook register that fits into your pocket or purse.

Whenever you buy something—be it a yoga class or a cup of coffee, whether you use cash, check, debit or credit—jot down the item along with the cost.

Warning. Do this at the point of purchase. Otherwise, as receipts pile up, you’ll likely give up in overwhelm.

Wisdom from A Course in Miracles

It’s been said that you’re never given a wish without the power to make it come true.

But how many times have you wished for more—more success, more money, more love, more __________(fill in the blank), and nothing happened, no matter what you did?

That powerless feeling is one of life’s greatest frustrations. I know!

Years ago, right after my divorce, my ex left the country, leaving me with no money in the bank and over a million dollars in tax bills. I knew nothing about finances. He handled everything.

The tax bills were looming and with 3 young daughters to support, I knew I needed to get smart…and fast. I was desperate.

I’m an intelligent woman—how hard could it be? But no matter how many books I read, classes I took, advisors I talked to, my eyes would glaze over, my brain would fog up and I’d feel hopelessly, incurably stupid.

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Beware Excuses

Here’s an interesting exercise. Notice how often you set a goal or express a desire and immediately start finding reasons why it can’t happen.  

I see it all the time.  A new client walks in,  declares her desire—”I really want to make more money,”—and then comes the ”but…”

  • I have little kids
  • I’m scared
  • I never went to college
  • I don’t have time
  • I’m too old
  • I’m too young

Beware excuses!

Are You Really Playing Full Out? It Matters…A lot!

Which game are you playing? It’s an important question I learned from interviewing successful women.

They taught me that, in the world of work, you are either playing The Underearning Game or The High Earning Game. There’s a big difference between the two.

The Underearning Game is called Not To Lose. The goal is to stay safe, look good, and be comfortable. There’s only one rule—avoid anything that feels uncomfortable or scary.

The High Earning game is called To Win. The goal is to go as far as you can with all that you got, and when you fall down, you get back up and keep going. The only rule here—play Full Out.

Problem is, sometimes it’s hard to tell which game you’re actually playing. There are times when I swear I’m giving my all. Then later it hits me—I was fooling myself. I really wasn’t playing a true Full Out.

How the Spiritual Factors into Financial Success

Let’s talk about the Higher Work of Wealth—something I believe is missing when we talk about financial success.

The financial media focuses almost exclusively on the Outer Work of Wealthlearning the practical facts, like understanding the difference between a stock and a bond or how to diversify your retirement account.

Granted, we’re seeing more articles, even books exploring the Inner Work of Wealthovercoming internal blocks, negative attitudes and limiting beliefs we have about Wealth.

But discussions of the Higher Work of Wealth are rare. Though it’s certainly a hot topic in my online community, The Wealth Connection.   I believe for most women, the real motivation to create wealth–what keeps us going when resistance rears its ugly head—is not amassing more money.

It’s the spiritual factor–what we can do with our money once we have it. How we can use it to help others and become more of who we’re born to be, doing what we’re here on earth to do.

The Secrets to Wealth Building…Revealed At Last!

“What are the secrets to being wealthy?” she asked, a tinge of desperation in her voice. “I feel like rich people know these secrets that I never learned.”

She was right. There are Secrets to Creating Wealth. And I understood her frustration. I struggled with this same question for years, never getting a satisfactory answer.

 It took me forever to figure those secrets out. And when I did, my financial proficiency (not to mention my self-confidence) skyrocketed.

The truth is, very few people actually understand how to become a Wealth Builder. Everyone, however,  knows how to be a Consumer.

The Hidden Danger of Higher Earnings

I noticed a disturbing theme in my conversations with successful women. I call it the Illusion of Affluence. Whopping wages can be deceptive and dangerous.

I see it repeatedly: High earners spending too much, saving too little, or plowing all profits back into their business. Their ample earnings gives them the appearance, but not the security, of affluence.

Even if they can easily make a bundle whenever they want, high earners are as vulnerable to hard times and sudden change as anyone else.

Absolutely, women making big money are to be applauded. But the real measure of success isn’t what comes to you…it’s what stays with you (i.e. your net worth—the sum total of what you own minus the sum total of what you owe). 

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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