The Inner, Outer, Higher and Deeper Work of Wealth Coaching

The story of your Future Self

begins here

Let me be your personal guide to a more powerful and prosperous life.

Imagine yourself as the wealthy, powerful woman you are meant to be. Your past beliefs of inadequacy or scarcity around money—Healed! Your resistance to taking financial responsibility—Gone! The trauma and shame that’s been getting in the way—Dissolved! I can give you the tools to make this happen.

My Coaching Philosophy

Building Wealth is about far more than learning the financial facts or picking the right investments. Building Wealth is an emotional healing, a spiritual journey, a Rite of Passage into your power as a woman.

My training as a psychotherapist, certification in trauma treatment and over 20-years experience as a financial therapist give me the tools to help you take charge of your money—and your life.

Our work together will involve the Outer Work of Wealth — understanding the practical steps of financial success and wealth building, the Inner Work of Wealth — exploring your attitudes, decisions and beliefs that may be holding you back, the Higher Work of Wealth — using money to make a difference, to do what you’re put on this planet to do, and the Deeper Work of Wealth —training the mind to reprogram your brain for Wealth + Well-Being

The coaching is deep, intense, and transformational.

Work with me one-on-one or in a group setting to become financially savvy and achieve your goals. Let me help you zero in on the essence of what’s standing in your way and give you the tools for getting ahead financially and personally.


My virtual community of women supporting women! This group provides an affordable, safe, intimate space to explore all aspects of money—the practical, the emotional, and the spiritual. We support, inspire and encourage each other.

If you’re ready to become a Savvy & Confident Wealth Builder—overcoming your resistance, claiming your power and making an impact in the world—this community is for you. We will hold you accountable, keep you on track, help you work through blocks and give you support to reach your financial goals.


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Offered Only Once a Year—Join the Waitlist for 2025!

Join me for my newest course, The Awakening: A Deep Immersion into A Course in Miracles.

I’ve wanted to offer this class for decades. I’ve been a student of A Course in Miracles for over 4o years, and this book’s had a profound impact on every area of my life. I’m thrilled to finally be offering it to you, so you can experience the incredible changes I have. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when registration opens for the second session of The Awakening.

**Next Session Begins in 2025**


Yes, let me know!


Listen to what Erica Ballard, Holistic Life Coach, client and Wealth Connection member has to say about Barbara’s coaching.

Money Coaching with Sheryl

Identify Your Goals * Create a Budget * Eliminate Debt

I’m excited to announce that I’ve added Money Coaching with Sheryl to my offerings.

Sheryl Kosovski, a certified financial recovery coach, will teach you the skills you need to manage your money so you can achieve your goals. You’ll learn how to get out of debt (for good), stick to a budget (easily), and save more… without going into deprivation!

Learn More!

Financial Therapy + Wealth Coaching

with Barbara Huson

I’m temporarily taking a break from Private Financial Therapy.

But you can still work with me…by joining my online community, The Wealth Connection. It’s where my heart is. You’ll  get coaching with me, plus so much more, and I’ve made it very affordable.

Learn More

Barbara Huson is the bomb, the deal, and the holy grail of financial sanity and security for women. 

Her work has transformed my relationship with money and my ideas around wealth. By working with her I know where my money is, what it’s being spent on, what I’m investing in, and how to make decisions from a place of knowledge. The fear I used to carry about money has completely shifted. That’s a really, really, really big deal…and she can do the same for you.

If it has Barbara Huson’s name on it, just invest in it, don’t question it.

It will be the best decision you ever made to change your relationship with money. Barbara’s work has shifted my mindset, removed blocks from my money path, and working together with her, challenged me to step our of hiding and into the light of who I really am.

Get immediate access to a FREE eBook!



Click the image to get immediate access to my FREE eBook, The Rewire Response: A Three-step Formula to Reprogram Your Brain!


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