Coming Out of The Closet…Yikes!

As a writer, I’ve been torn by conflicting goals.  A big part of me wants everyone’s approval. Another part yearns to speak my truth. To me, the two have been mutually exclusive.

Ever since the 80’s, when I began writing a weekly column in the San Francisco Business Journal that was syndicated in over 30 large newspapers, I’ve always couched my unconventional views in acceptable verbiage.

Slowly, over time,  I’ve been dipping my toes in the waters of transparency, outing myself a little bit at a time.

But, I finally did it! I swung the door open and stepped out of the closest…almost all the way!  I wrote about Sacred Success® in the traditional media, on (Women, Wealth, and Power: The Emerging Paradigm)

Sure, I’ve talked about Sacred Success® on my website, in my Money Monday Calls, and various social media.

But you’re my peeps. You’re safe.  I’ve never discussed it in such a public forum, with a much larger audience, many I suspect to be very conservative.

The response has been overwhelming. The article has been shared more times online, generated more email, than anything I’ve ever written.

In the article, I describe The Feminine Face of Financial Success…how women today are playing a very different game than the world (read: men) models…a  game  I call Sacred Success®.

Men are very driven by profit, perks, and prestige. Not women.  Once a woman is financially secure, she’s rarely motivated by money.  What drives her is an added spiritual component, a deep commitment to a higher purpose—how she can achieve Greatness by helping others, while still being richly rewarded.

I suspect the few men who responded didn’t quite get the point. But the women…oh the women loved it.  In exposing myself, I gave them permission to do the same!!

“It warms my heart to think about all the other women who, like me, want to make a difference while leading a healthy and wealthy life,” wrote one woman, echoing the sentiment of many.

If this idea warms your heart as well, if you desire to find other women who feel the same,  I invite you to consider attending one of my Sacred Success® Retreats. I hold two retreats each year—one on the east coast and one on the west coast.

In this 4 day Retreat,  I gather a small group of decidedly committed women, teach you the Feminine Formula for Financial Success and create a community that imbues each other with a deep sense of mission, a plan of action for wildly succeeding,and follow up support for at least a year.

It’s far more than a seminar. It’s a ground breaking paradigm shift. Will you join me?

Comments & Feedback

  • Very timely especially in light of women really speaking up the last few weeks following some really extreme examples of formation of public policy in the birth control coverage issue and the lack of representation in what most of us would consider an appropriate gender balance. Can we access or demand a serious level of representation without doing what it takes to attain a higher level position in power and compensation? I’m conflicted – perhaps we can change the rules?

    • The answer to your excellent question is a resounding YES! I’ve interviewed hundreds of women who are quietly, subtly rewriting the rules, achieving high levels of success while staying true to their feminine nature.

      I truly believe, Kathryn, that if each one of us, individually, became the change we want to see in the world…if everyone of us stepped fully into our power, in every day life…I just betcha we’d see a huge shift in the world.

      That’s why I’m teaching Sacred Success. It’s my small contribution to empower women to step up to the plate and take their seat at the table, and still stay true to our nature.

      Thanks so much for your great comment…also responded on FB!

      • thanks Barbara for sharing this- it helps me understand I am not alone in the way I think and do business.

      • Dana Porter

        Barbara, please do NOT say ” it’s my ***small*** contribution” – (my itals) – it is NOT SMALL and language is one more way women too often tamper down our own power.!!!

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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