Desperately Seeking Serenity

I’ve been struggling with the idea of Acceptance lately. Allowing life to unfold at its own pace, or as A Course in Miracles says: “Let it be what it is.”  

I know that serenity comes from accepting what I cannot change.

Yet I yearn to return to normality. I deeply miss those days I could shop without a mask, do hot yoga in my favorite studio, hang out with friends, hug them goodbye.

But I also yearn for serenity amidst all the uncertainty. I feel conflicted, confused. Then I flash back to a memory. 

I am visiting my daughter who works on a farm. The seedlings in the greenhouse need to be planted. The baby chicks, now mature hens, must be moved to bigger quarters. But it’s pouring. And rain is forecast for the next few days.

“You can’t plant when it rains,” Anna explains. “The fields are too fragile. And the ground’s too wet to drive the truck to the other henhouse.” 

Here we are, all geared up to do both. I watch in awe at what happens next. No one gets uptight. No one curses nature. Instead, the farm owner shrugs his shoulders, and says: “Enjoy the down time.”  

Grounded in a deep sense of faith, a deference to forces out of their control, everyone easily dispenses with their plans and take on other chores—they create a brochure, wash the eggs, make rhubarb pies—with nary a complaint. Eventually the seeds are planted and the hens are moved.

Acceptance isn’t just tolerating the unexpected, but deeply trusting in divine order, doing whatever we can in the moment. 

Sure, I’m tempted to complain about current conditions. But serenity is my priority. So I put on my mask, pop the hand sanitizer into my purse, head for the market with gratitude for all the good that’s on its way.

All of that said, there are things in life we shouldn’t just accept. After all serenity also comes from changing the things we can. For too many years, black women and men have been living with discrimination, large and small, that I, as a privileged white woman (albeit Jewish), know about only from a distance. 

But that distance has suddenly disappeared and I’m devastated by the pain and horrors prejudice produces. If ever the world needed empowered women (along with enlightened men), it’s now. 

Here’s my question to you, my beloved community. What can I do, what can you do, to to rise above racism—not at some future time—but right now? Please leave a comment below.

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Comments & Feedback

  • Kate

    What can you do? What can we do?
    Get behind Our Revolution which is fighting for racial justice, social justice , economic justice and environmental justice.

  • Susan cohen

    As strong women,mothers grandmothes,etc we must assert ourselves& use our anger power! It is immoral to not speak up.we as people have been abused @ many times in history. Men,women, children, white, black,red& yellow,etc. Also all ethnics. Others must be held accountable & we can do this. This was accomplished by Nobel Peace winner Betty in Ireland. Thanks Susan

  • Freida Key

    Well Ms. Barbara, thank you for even addressing the issue. Every since I met you online years ago, as an African American female, I have been trying to explain that your teaching are great in theory, however there have been hindrances to me becoming a millionaire and the like as a 44 year old highly educated female in the USA. I have been discriminated against in the work place which causes bouts of unemployment and denied access to highly paying jobs for longevity that allow me to have a paid off home and amass a small fortune and debt free living. I’ve tried my best and I will continue, as I have a deep faith in God. However, the system set in place in America does not make it easy. Therefore, continue to love every one regardless of race and give everyone access to wealth creation. Thanks again for listening.

    • barbara huson

      Oh Frieda, I hear you and agree with everything you said. The level of discrimination in the US, everywhere, is heartbreaking. My prayer is that the intense global reaction to racism will bring about an unprecedented level of healing, that the prejudicial treatment you’ve received will be swiftly, miraculously eradicated, like the sudden fall of the Berlin wall. That’s my prayer. I’m so sorry for what you’ve been though…I wish I could help you create the life you desire and deserve. Thank you so much for writing xo

  • Julie Bruns

    I am and always have been sharing these stories and perspectives with my sons, who are both over 18 now. I have always taught them that they couldn’t possibly know what it’s like for someone unless they’ve walked in their shoes.

    I think it’s everyone’s responsibility to raise decent, compassionate and empathetic human beings and I consider doing so my greatest achievement. If we all had parents, leaders and teachers who could simply do just this, we wouldn’t have most of the problems in this world.

    Have a conversation with someone you don’t know, ask questions and listen., really listen. Then tell them you’re sorry for their struggles and the injustice in this world. Then make sure you’re not ever contributing to it.

    • barbara huson

      Your words brought tears to my eyes, Julie. You really got to the heart of what each and everyone of us can, and should, do. You’re right…this alone can change the world. Thank you so much for sharing this with me!!!

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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