Ending the Imposter Syndrome

I had a huge surprise when interviewing high earners for my book, Secrets of Six-Figure Women.

I expected these women to be extremely confident. And they were indeed.

What I never expected was how many of these “confident” women actually felt like a fraud and were terrified others would find out.

Their level of fear was astonishing. But their courage was inspiring. In fact, after one of those interviews, I grabbed a blank piece of paper and wrote, in red crayon: “Do What You Fear. That’s How You Succeed.” I framed it and put it on a table across from my desk where it still stands today. 

Now, decades later, I look at those words and realize I need to add a critical caveat: “But Don’t Forget to Rewire.”

In studying neuroscience while researching my latest book, I discovered why the Imposter Syndrome is epidemic among even the most successful women. And more importantly, how to eradicate it for good.

We women need to prepare ourselves mentally as we push ourselves vocationally.  But few understand this.

When you fail to train your mind to think differently, your brain will automatically confirm your conditioned beliefs. Your self-image will never catch up to your accomplishments. And your old, maladaptive neuropathways will continue to dictate your current perceptions.

It’s like you’ve entered a marathon without first getting into shape. Sure, you may be driven to go the distance. But you’ll experience little joy and lots of discomfort in your journey.

But it doesn’t need to be that way.

I’m convinced that when enough women learn how to rewire their brains for financial success, the Imposter Syndrome will quickly go the way of corsets, chamber pots and crinoline skirts.

Have you done something that you were terrified to do that led to success? Leave me a comment below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Barbara Alpher

    Yes. It was my total determination to avoid chemo, radiation and 5 years of drugs after the end of that … i.e. the whole medical model for dealing with cancer. I kept doing what I felt and knew was right to do even tho the tumor kept growing and I had no way of knowing if what I was doing was helping at all. Got a clear confirmation that it was when I was indeed able to avoid all except getting the tumor removed.

  • Colleen

    Hire a EFT Coach instead of a psychotherapist to help me and my fears of not feeling safe in the world

  • Lisa

    Putting something out there – I’ll find out the result tomorrow!

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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