Inspired by those “Life is Good” t-shirts, I am launching a new campaign. And I invite you to join me. I’m calling it: Fear is Good.
As I see it, Fear has gotten a bum rap and a bad rep. Maybe it’s leftover from our Neanderthal heritage, when hungry predators were a constant threat.
But times have changed. And so has Fear’s function.
Problem is, few of us have figured that out. We feel the Fear, and instantly take flight. We don’t realize that, in modern times, fear is rarely a sign that our survival is being threatened.
Nowadays, the only survival being threatened is usually our egos. Fear has a new purpose—to warn us of approaching Greatness.
And as I’m discovering, we’re as afraid of our Greatness as our ancestors were of carnivorous beasts…maybe more.
So, I’m on a crusade to change that. Let it be known…Fear is the clearest signal we will get that we’re on the precipice of greater success, greater prosperity, greater happiness, greater impact.
Imagine if you finally realized that Fear is nothing to fear. As for my Fear is Good campaign, there’s only one requirement to become a member.
Every time you get scared, you shout, at the top of your lungs: “I go where I fear!” And off you go…in the direction of your fear, in the direction of your Greatness.
Fear is Good! Can I sign you up? Leave me a comment below.
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