How Does One Become Wealthy? — Part 2

Here’s the good news about creating wealth. Believing that you can do it, or not, is inconsequential. You just have to decide that’s what you want and be willing to do whatever comes next.

Powerful intentions produce sheer miracles. There’s a sort of magic inherent in a strong intention that will carry you through the toughest and scariest of times.

Here’s a 2-part exercise for creating a powerful intention.

1st Fill in the blank:

My intention is_________________.

You may have more than one, but for now, limit it to one. Be very specific. You can always add, change or modify later.

2nd Ask yourself this question:

Why do I want to create wealth? Why is it important to me? What will wealth allow me to do?

This is the Higher Work of Wealth. When you can tie creating wealth to your deepest desires, you’ll be far more likely to stay the course despite the obstacles. And there are always obstacles.

But if your desire is greater than your fear, success is inevitable. 

Can you identify your deepest desires when it comes to creating wealth? Share in the comments below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Misty

    My desire is for $6 million dollars. One million is for the God of the Holy Bible. I need to retire from homelessness and domestic violence and illness and poverty. I did my duty to God and I deserve a million gazillion dollars. Thank you for helping me with everything Yahusha!!!!! I know you love me!!!!!

  • Misty

    I have been alone for my entire life. My mother hates girls. I am the only girl. I was extremely abused and hated by my mother and father and her family for no reason. I have been told by spirit guides that my mother is a Muslim prostitute that hates girls. Hatred is not Christian. God is love and God is Christian, not Muslim. Muslim is hatred murder and lies towards women and all people. Christianity is love love and love. Which do you prefer? Misogyny is ugly. My mother is misogyny. God bless you my

  • Misty

    I have been alone for my entire life. My mother hates girls. I am the only girl. I was extremely abused and hated by my mother and father and her family for no reason. I have been told by spirit guides that my mother is a Muslim prostitute that hates girls. Hatred is not Christian. God is love and God is Christian, not Muslim. Muslim is hatred murder and lies towards women and all people. Christianity is love love and love. Which do you prefer? Misogyny is ugly. My mother is misogyny.

  • Lisa

    My intention for building wealth is that I always want to be free! Free to pursue my passions and hobbies and safety without being dependent on a career or relationship that does not serve me.

  • Barbara Alpher

    My intention is to talk about wealth and my own accomplishments that I’ve yet to share with you, Barbara, or anyone else. I think it started with being in your Overcoming Underearning course and (weird … I keep blocking on it!) Oh, the idea of reading something about money every day, no matter how little it is. I took that seriously and at the library, read titles in the Wall St Journal and sometimes an article; reading many books on money. Funny, the one that comes immediately to mind was titled, A Girl Needs Cash!

    But I never talked to anyone about any success as a result of this. Now, I’m holding my breath as I’ve decided to tell one success. I started investing and joined Motley Fool. In another place I had a terrific person to help me find investments. The ones he guided me to have been terrific. Unfortunately, he died of cancer not too long after I met him.

    But, I kept working at it and even with some substantial errors of judgement, I now have about a million and a half dollars in stocks. I realize that with a huge drop in the market that can change, but we’ve gone through two huge drops since I started, and the market came back up. I’m a long-time investor.

    Barbara, In all my communications with you. I never mentioned that due to that early workshop, I have indeed had one success. The fear was that if I talked about it, I’d lose it … somehow!

    I heard you today on Melinda Cohan’s CBS. I had mentioned that in a reply I sent you and I did join in for her 12 week course. I am Oliver Overwhelm and Techless Terri (my villians) but am pulling in Break it Down, Brandi and Do It Debbie to deal with those villians:-)!

    At the end Melinda said to Post our favorite frames for the day and for your talk and what I’m going to do differently as a result. So what I’m doing differently is to, for the first time, claim a financial accomplishment and see it as the start of more accomplishments rather than fearing speaking out loud and losing it.

  • Lisa

    Barbara Alpher,

    Well done !!!!!! Please feel free to share any of that wise investment advice you received. I agree, girls do need cash! 💵

  • Lisa

    BTW, Barbara. I love those names Melinda Cohen gave you for you villains and the people to deal with those villains 🦹

    Mine is softly spoken Susan, and the person I have invented to deal with her is sultry, Sandy! Softly spoken Susan works during intimate coffee dates with people, but not during big presentations!

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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