How the Spiritual Factors into Financial Success

Let’s talk about the Higher Work of Wealth—something I believe is missing when we talk about financial success.

The financial media focuses almost exclusively on the Outer Work of Wealthlearning the practical facts, like understanding the difference between a stock and a bond or how to diversify your retirement account.

Granted, we’re seeing more articles, even books exploring the Inner Work of Wealthovercoming internal blocks, negative attitudes and limiting beliefs we have about Wealth.

But discussions of the Higher Work of Wealth are rare. Though it’s certainly a hot topic in my online community, The Wealth Connection.   I believe for most women, the real motivation to create wealth–what keeps us going when resistance rears its ugly head—is not amassing more money.

It’s the spiritual factor–what we can do with our money once we have it. How we can use it to help others and become more of who we’re born to be, doing what we’re here on earth to do.

Admittedly, money is not required for us to grow into our fullest selves. But after almost 30 years of doing this work, I’m convinced that the process of wealth creation pushes us to grow personally, step outside our comfort zone, defy our cultural conditioning, and become more responsible, powerful adults.

The Higher Work infuses finances with a deeper meaning and a loftier intention. I believe you and I are here, on this planet, for a purpose—to make a difference, each in our own way. And financial freedom gives us the resources to do that.

Think about it. We can’t possibly pursue our highest purpose, become our best selves, if we’re distracted by debt or struggling to make ends meet.

But when we take the financial reins, something extraordinary happens. Our confidence surges. We become an irresistible force, totally unstoppable in the face of even the fiercest resistance.

And that’s when you’ll notice a subtle but powerful shift occurring. The Higher Work of Wealth turns “I want to create Wealth” to “I must create Wealth.”

Where have you seen the spiritual side of Wealth showing up in your life? Leave me a comment below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Malika Katharina Raduenz

    Hello Barbara,
    I share with you this point of view. 2014 if I remember well, I was in debts.
    When I became my salary it was just covering my debts on the bank!
    Now , 2022, 8 years later, I have savings of more than 10 000€ on my bank account!
    What did I changed? Well a lot!
    First of all I fixed a limit for each week. Then once my bank account was positive, I changed my habits and wrote down each expense for the hole year in each area. I was blown away how much I spent for gifts for my colleagues or for my internet!!
    But the most beautiful success for me was during Covid, I work in a public hospital as a physiotherapist. And before the pandemic my own health holds on all my attention. But then I began seriously to overthink my professional life and I found out what I am able to do. And I can do really good work!
    Yes , 8 years are now over, I became an independent wealthy woman!
    And if I succeeded, you can do the same!

  • barbara huson

    What a fabulous story, Malika. You did an incredible job of turning your life around. I so appreciate you sharing this and I congratulate you on your strength, persistence and determination! You should be so proud of yourself. I’m proud of you!!!!

  • Lisa

    Money is spiritual!

    I set intellectual, financial, emotional, spiritual, career, reading, travel, physical/health, home, leisure and basic, practical fashion goals (like new underpants, 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of shoes, not anything over-the-top fashionista) every year and money tends to flow into these heart-felt dreams that fuel my soul! My husband gets to experience some of these dreams. This excites him and inspires him and gives him a good idea about a date or gift I would like.

    Although my husband has always earned excellent money and I’m sure he would let me have access to his personal bank account if that was really important to me, I feel I have the freedom to dream more and have a little bit more say about the direction of my my life by managing my own money and my own bank and trading account.

    One day the interest from my investments will fund my life. I will only need to work on passion projects and giving back to the community, I will not have to work for money or be financially supported by anyone.

    My salary comes in handy every day. Yesterday I went to the drug store and the bill for staples such as mouth wash, toilet paper and alergy tables came to over $90!! Getting something mended at the dry cleaner cost $50!! It doesn’t matter how wealthy you are, life can hit with so many different expenses and taxes.

    If I, or my husband decide we don’t love each other one day and want out. No problem. In the back of my mind, I know I have my own bank account and money and can make things work. It gives me peace. Retaining some of my own independance feels spiritual! I have a university course coming up this month and it feels good I can pay my tuition with cash! Nobody owns my education. My parents can’t say “after everything we’ve done for you….” and my husband can’t say “I payed for your education, now you owe me and have to stay with me or buy this for me”. Nobody can dangle that carrot over my head, not even the goverment!

    • barbara huson

      What a powerful post, Lisa, filled with brilliant insights. I love how you’re creating financial freedom for yourself. The only thing I would wish for you is that you would find a way to earn money–good money–from passion projects and giving back to the community, Have you considered that an option…not having to wait to serve or engage in your passions until you have enough money?

      • Lisa


        Thank you for your kind response 🙏

        I still earn little bits and bops of money doing the kind of work I can eventually see myself wind up doing.

        Generally, it’s not an “industry” that pays good money. There is no set wage or expected monthly salary. Sometimes the rebel in me enjoys that, however it’s hard to plan and budget for things or invest. It’s even hard to make an appointment, because everything is decided last minute.

        I’ve talked to a lot experts in the industry. They’ve told me a lot of what I do has to do with good luck and timing. I really did put myself out there a lot, and some are amazed that I got the work I did!

        I do see some meaning in the work I’m currently doing and I’m paid well. One of my co-workers has really given me a glimpse into the Japanese soul and I’m writing an interactive Japanese show inspired by her that I believe millions will love. It’s one of my way of giving back to Japan. I’ve also helped provide food for the hungry for many years.

        Finally, your weekly newsletters helped me to understand that even if I won the lottery tomorrow, I would still be working on something or contributing to society in some way. I just wouldn’t be dependent on money for it. I feel less worried about becoming older, life after work and I feel hopeful about the future.

  • Lisa

    Government- lol

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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