How the Spiritual Factors into Financial Success

Let’s talk about the Higher Work of Wealth—something I believe is missing when we talk about financial success.

The financial media focuses almost exclusively on the Outer Work of Wealthlearning the practical facts, like understanding the difference between a stock and a bond or how to diversify your retirement account.

Granted, we’re seeing more articles, even books exploring the Inner Work of Wealthovercoming internal blocks, negative attitudes and limiting beliefs we have about Wealth.

But discussions of the Higher Work of Wealth are rare. Though it’s certainly a hot topic in my online community, The Wealth Connection.   I believe for most women, the real motivation to create wealth–what keeps us going when resistance rears its ugly head—is not amassing more money.

It’s the spiritual factor–what we can do with our money once we have it. How we can use it to help others and become more of who we’re born to be, doing what we’re here on earth to do.

Admittedly, money is not required for us to grow into our fullest selves. But after almost 30 years of doing this work, I’m convinced that the process of wealth creation pushes us to grow personally, step outside our comfort zone, defy our cultural conditioning, and become more responsible, powerful adults.

The Higher Work infuses finances with a deeper meaning and a loftier intention. I believe you and I are here, on this planet, for a purpose—to make a difference, each in our own way. And financial freedom gives us the resources to do that.

Think about it. We can’t possibly pursue our highest purpose, become our best selves, if we’re distracted by debt or struggling to make ends meet.

But when we take the financial reins, something extraordinary happens. Our confidence surges. We become an irresistible force, totally unstoppable in the face of even the fiercest resistance.

And that’s when you’ll notice a subtle but powerful shift occurring. The Higher Work of Wealth turns “I want to create Wealth” to “I must create Wealth.”

Where have you seen the spiritual side of Wealth showing up in your life? Leave me a comment below.

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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