“For better to come, good must stand aside.” Carl Jung
I saw the above quote by Carl Jung when I was living in Kansas City, raising two little girls, running a thriving career counseling firm. Business was hopping, but I wasn’t happy. I was longing to live near water and write.
This made no sense at all. I’d never written anything. And there was no water in KC (at least none that I’d want to live near!). Why would I give up a flourishing business, uproot my kids, leave behind a network of friends and reliable babysitters?
That’s when Jung spoke to me. I instantly knew those words were meant for me. It was time to give up ‘good.’ Something ‘better’ was waiting to enter.
The moment I decided to give up my business, someone on my staff offered to buy it. Within 6 months I was living on the side of a hill, outside San Francisco, overlooking water. Then, out of the blue, a national magazine asked me to write a monthly career column. And they paid me!!! I was officially a writer.
Seven books later and still living on the water (now in Washington state), I have enormous respect for the power of Letting Go. And the scarier it is to release, the more magical the results.
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