Letting Go

Here’s a foolproof strategy for getting unstuck. You must let go of where you are to get to where you want to go.

Clinging to the security of the familiar ledge prevents us from discovering what awaits us in the future.

The ledges in our lives offer the illusion of safety, but in truth their only value is to keep us hanging.

These ledges take many forms, both concrete and intangible. They can look like unfulfilling jobs, unpleasant relationships, inappropriate goals, untrue beliefs, unhealthy habits, bottled-up emotions.

Every successful woman I interviewed who finally let go (as hard as it was), cited that single act as the springboard to higher earnings and happier times.

Here’s the thing. Letting go is never-ending. It’s something we are called to do repeatedly, every time we reach a pinnacle and want to climb higher, or when we hit a snag and need to change course.

Sometimes we have to let go of the very thing we’ve worked so hard to achieve in the first place. Leaving the acceptable to step into the void is the ultimate act of courage.

How do you know when you’ve been holding too long to a ledge? There’s one irrefutable clue.

Whenever you feel stuck, it’s time to let go. And invariably, what you need to let go of is the very thing you are most afraid to release. It’s the fear, not the circumstances, that keeps us trapped.

Success can only come when there’s space for it to enter. 

What do you need to let go of in order to have space for success? Leave me a comment below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Lisa

    I’m letting go of guilt today. I called in sick today. I felt guilty because I took a sick day last month and the month before. I also felt guilty because I’m not really sick, I’m just feeling really run down. As I result I know I will feel emotionally better and work better tomorrow!

    • barbara huson

      Lisa, why do you feel guilty about self care? I encourage you to be very proud of yourself for listening to your needs, doing what’s right for you. I’m celebrating you!

  • Gabisile

    I am letting go of my past today. I was hurt by colleagues, friends and loved ones. I choose to delete this past hurt and start a new life

    • Lisa


      I would let go of your past, but I wouldn’t delete it. Past hurts can teach us a lot about what we’re looking for in a new life and what we absolutely won’t tolerate in a new life.

    • barbara huson

      Gabisile, Lisa gave you sound advice. Let go of the past but first learn from it, so you don’t make the same mistakes. I wish you the best.

  • Kristin Brause

    Hm, this is a hard one, even though it sounds so easy. But in the past, I’ve let go of all sorts of beliefs, habits, work ethics and so on only to find myself back in the same place as an underearner. I would really would to know why I am self-sabotaging but I can’t seem to get there. Following your amazing exercise in your book overcoming under earning I’ve tried to go back to my early child hood to see what beliefs have been passed on to me. And although I am very aware of a few, somehow things haven’t clicked yet for me and I am not satisfied that I’ve found the belief that has held me back. I simply don’t know why I’m self sabotaging . So today, I am letting go of the belief that I can’t find the answer in the hopes that the answer will come to me. Does that make sense?

    • barbara huson

      It makes sense, Kristin. I wonder if you didn’t have any kind of trauma, could be something mild, but it was emotionally scarring. Keep digging…you’ll find it. And if you don’t, I urge you to get some kind of coaching or counseling. This is important work for you to get to the bottom of…and not just about money, but your sense of well being.

      • Leslie M

        Perfect post for me to read. I need to let go of making my ex the bad guy. We both made mistakes, I’m more invested in growing than staying stuck. I ended a relationship that was toxic for me, I know where I want to go. I’m not there yet, but I will be. The past is exactly that – passed. I release it with gratitude for all I’m becoming.

      • Kristin Brause

        Thank you so much for your comment, Barbara. And I am so happy to share that I found it, my earliest childhood memory about money. After days and days of reading and rereading your books the memory became clearer and clearer. I guess it was always there but I was looking for an earlier memory and kept dismissing this one. But my first memory about money happened when I was 13 years of age. And boy has it shaped my life! It’s “Making money is hard” and now I’m trying to reframe it positively and take action on the new statement. Thank you so much for your wonderful work. Kris

        • barbara huson

          That’s definitely an important belief to reframe! But now that you discovered it’s there, it need no longer control you!!! Thanks for letting me know.

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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