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Questions for A Quarantine

Ten years ago, a coach bluntly told me: “You’re too into doing, Barbara. You need time for just being.” I was depleted, burned out and knew she was right.

I cleared my calendar, eliminated all but the essentials and created space for self-reflection.  My mantra was “I surrender and receive.” 

I believe this is exactly what Covid-19 is calling us to do—Surrender and Receive. Surrender need not be passive but can be highly productive.

Believe me, I had no idea at the time that a whole new body of work was living inside me. By slowing down and tuning in, I “downloaded” what would become my next book, Sacred Success.

The “downloads” came as I asked myself a series of questions. I’m happy to share them with you. The first question most people ask themselves, when facing uncertainty, is ‘what should I do?’ Actually, that’s the last question to pose.

The first question to ask  is: What do I need to let go of? Letting go, especially of what causes unhappiness or ceases to serve you, creates space for better to come. How do you know what needs to go? It’s probably that which you’re most afraid to release.

The next question to ask is: What do I want? This helped me get in touch with my deepest desires rather than the ‘shoulds’ and ‘ought’s” that I often gave into. I took a deep dive into my Soul’s wisdom by asking myself these 4 questions:

  • If I knew I had only 6 months to live, where would I be? Who would I be with?  What would I be doing?
  • If I died today, what would be left unlived?
  • If nothing changes, not one thing, what would my life look like in 5 years?
  • If I was on my death bed, how would I most want to be remembered?

The final question to ask is: “What should I do next?” Follow the advice of artist Vincent Van Gogh: “If you hear a voice within you say, ‘you cannot paint’, by all means paint and the voice will be silenced.” 

How are you using your time in quarantine?.  Leave me a comment below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Barbara Cox

    Great questions! I’m in the midst of interviewing as a Psychology professor at a Community College – my dream job yes. And I’m writing a workbook for my publisher as a follow on to my book, The Muse Process: Unleashing the Power of the Feminine. Weirdly, during this down-time my career is now flowing where I want it to, after years of feeling hmmm out of whack.

  • suzy

    aaaaah Barbara i love your blog. Well those questions about dying were great….. i know exactly who i want around me and I know that i have this script to write! Its a love story based on my Uncle’s experiences in WW2.
    There’s a script course that will help me get it done in 10 months. Im going to DO IT.
    much love to you , my muse


  • barbara huson

    Great to hear from you, Barbara. Glad you liked my questions. Congratulations on your new workbook. And I fingers crossed for your dream job coming true. I think that’s so cool that during a crisis, your career is finally flowing in the right direction. That says to me that no matter what the economy is doing, there will always be people who are prospering. You’re a perfect example. Let me know what happens with the interview!!!

  • barbara stanny

    Great to hear from you, Barbara. Glad you liked my questions. Congratulations on your new workbook. And I fingers crossed for your dream job coming true. I think that’s so cool that during a crisis, your career is finally flowing in the right direction. That says to me that no matter what the economy is doing, there will always be people who are prospering. You’re a perfect example. Let me know what happens with the interview!!!

  • Linda Neeb

    How am I using this time, ? Well I am indulging myself in self care: yoga , meditation and Nia dance every morning,, I am cooking very healthy meals and choosing which webinars to learn from in the Wellness field, I also help my daughter and son in law 3 afternoons a week watching my grandson. And most exciting is I have put myself out there and am offering Yoga classes online through Zoom. I am starting with a free offering and then will move to ask for donations. I also pray alot for my daughter who is expecting a baby in May and is living in the epicenter in Hoboken NJ. I am envisioning a better, more loving, kind, and compassionate world,

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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