I can personally vouch for the incredible power of a strong intention!
Years ago, I noticed that just about every High Earner described a moment in her past, when she said to herself, with utter conviction: “It’s time to make more money.”
She didn’t always believe it possible or know how she’d do it. But she was definitely determined.
Compare that to Underearners. Almost without exception, they’d tell me “I’d love to make more money, but…” as they listed off a litany of excuses.
And indeed, their incomes remained consistently low.
I was quite struck by the difference in the responses of High Earners vs. Underearners. So one day I took a post-it note, wrote $125,000 on it, and stuck it on my computer. That was my earnings goal for the year.
I hadn’t the slightest idea how I’d do it, especially since I’d never earned anywhere even close to that in my entire life. But there was no ‘but’ in my decision, no reasons why I couldn’t.
Even when my ‘then’ husband spied that note and laughed hysterically when I explained what it was, I took the post it down and added “Yes You Can!” I was determined. And Yes. I. Did.
As I’ve come to see, a strong intention, said with utter conviction, will carry you though the toughest of times and the deepest of doubts.
So what happens when you find yourself saying “I really want earn more, but….”? Are you doomed to fail? Not if you explore what’s under the ‘but’ by asking yourself some questions:
What scares you or turns you off about earning a lot of money? What do you imagine the consequences would be? How would your friends, family peers react?
Think about how you were raised, what early messages you heard about money. What limiting beliefs could be standing in your way? Can you even imagine your life as a high earner? Do you believe it’s actually possible? Why not?
If you still feel hopelessly deadlocked in underearning, stay tuned for Part II, When Intentions Don’t Work.
In the meantime, journal about your earliest memories of money and share your insights here.
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