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The Magical Power of Letting Go

A long ago memory came to mind today. I was living in Kansas City, raising two little girls, running a thriving career counseling firm. Business was hopping, but I wasn’t happy.  I was longing to live near water and write.

Huh??? I’d never written anything. And there was no water in KC (at least none that I’d want to live near!).  Why would I give up a flourishing business, uproot my kids, leave behind a network of friends and reliable babysitters?

That’s when I stumbled on a quote by Carl Jung: “For better to come, good must stand aside.” 

I grabbed onto those words as if they were gospel.  Was it time for me to give up ‘good’? Was ‘better’ really out there…waiting?  It was a risk I was willing to take.

Seven books later and still living on water, I have enormous respect for the power of Letting Go.  And the scarier it is to release, the more magical the results.  

The moment I decided to give up my business, someone on my staff offered to buy it.  Within 6 months I was living on the side of a hill, outside San Francisco, overlooking water.

Then, out of the blue, a national magazine asked me to write a monthly career column. And they paid me!!! I was officially a writer.

Is there something ‘good’ you may need to let go of for ‘better’ to come? Think about it and leave a comment below.

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Comments & Feedback

  • Lettie

    Thank you Barbara for that quote “For better to come, good must stand aside” from Carl Jung. I read it and cried. Cried tears of truth from my Soul. Yes, I have a $80K government cushy job, 15 minutes from home, great medical benefits, yady, yady, yady on and on but… I happy? Every time I’ve left a cushy job, I’ve made more money. Now you come with this quote and hit home; thank you. With a 63 year birthday celebration that is coming up in 2 weeks; this morning as I drove in a thought came to me. I’m NOT retiring, I’m going on to another adventure. Stopping my J.O.B.=just under broke daily activity, will give me sooooo many ways to make more money. Thank you from my Soul to yours, Peace & Love, Lettie

    • barbara huson

      What a touching post, Lettie. Thank you so much. Funny the way the Universe talks to us!!! I hope you have the courage to leave…I can’t wait to hear what is waiting for you around the next corner!!

  • Ilona

    Barbara how awesome!! It’s so funny Bc I have dreamt about being a writer since the third grade. Being near water. So reading your story really hit me!! I’m a health coach and run a small business and like that but oh what a dream it would be to get paid writing!!!! You r such an inspiration!!!

    • barbara huson

      Thanks, Ilona…I hear you!! I also wanted to be a writer since I was really little. But it seemed so outlandish. I’m grateful I followed my intuition…but believe me, there were sooooooooo many challenges along the way. But now I can look back and smile. I pray you’ll be able to feel that way someday too. Let me know!!!

  • Dana Jacoby

    What an awesome testimony. Barbara you are a gem and the Universe has used you to channel so many amazing lessons for others!
    Thanks for sharing.

  • Sandra

    Probably , cause your story is scaring as hell to me …I have jumped so many times without seeing the net , trusting that everything is going to work out .
    And I put my self in dangerous situations . Can’t say that I have reached what I really wanted , so still unsure if I am gonna leave ” good ” now .
    In any case you inspire me . Thank you !


    • barbara huson

      Thanks for commenting, Sandra. I suggest you stay with ‘good,’ until you’re damn ready to leave for ‘better’. I didn’t talk about the part in the blog…but life ultimately got so tough, I HAD to change…it’s almost like I had no choice!!! Wishing you the best of luck xo

  • Meredith

    Considering leaving a job or at least significantly reducing to part time so I can create my own business and space to write/be an artist. It’ such a leap and oh so scary! But I have been building up the resources and confidence to do this for such a period that it’s starting to feel a MUST Change. Thanks for sharing your story.

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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