There’s a line in A Course in Miracles that, long ago, had a big impact on me: “What you share you strengthen.”
It was when a coach gave me an intriguing assignment that the line really came to life for me. For 2 weeks, I was to simply observe my conversations, without changing a thing. Just notice what I talked about, the words I used, my typical reactions…you know, the stuff I was sharing with others.
What I saw was not pretty. I was constantly putting myself down, without ever realizing it. I’d dismiss my skills (“Oh, that’s no big deal”). I’d deflect praise (“I thought I was awful”). I’d diminish my successes (“But I could’ve done so much better”).
What felt, to me, like humility was in truth, an act of self-sabotage. I kept undermining my success by what I was sharing with others.
Every word of self-deprecation put another dent in my self-esteem. I was strengthening my insecurity…while crushing my confidence. No wonder I was struggling.
So I heeded the advice from another favorite source, Louise Hay: “You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
It took time, and felt horribly uncomfortable at first, but as I began graciously accepting compliments, proudly acknowledging my successes, and owning my worth without equivocation, things began to change. The best part—I started liking myself a whole lot more!!!
Could you be doing something similar? Sabotaging yourself by minimizing your achievements or belittling your value? Keep in mind—what you are sharing is what you are strengthening.
I invite you to find out. Spend a few weeks simply noticing what you talk about. Then come back here and let me know what you discovered.
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