“ I really want to make more money, but where do I start?” I get this question constantly. My answer is always the same.
Start by telling the truth about what’s not working in your life…without having a solution in sight.
Simply telling the truth has tremendous power. Problems have a purpose. They’re trying to get your attention.
As I’ve witnessed countless times, financial success is most often preceded by acknowledging a financial challenge.
Your particular challenge could be as subtle as a nagging sense that you’re not happy to the agonizing awareness that you can’t pay your rent, yet again.
Facing a challenge does not mean rushing ahead with possible solutions or passively accepting the situation as “That’s just the way it is.”
Facing a challenge means telling the truth about why it’s there in the first place. That’s when you’ll come to realize that every difficulty you experience stems from the choices you’ve made, choices based on erroneous information, faulty beliefs, past programming, unfounded fear.
Once you tell the truth—without criticism or judgement but with compassion and a commitment to change—you will, inevitably, start identifying and making better choices.
Then watch what happens…if you have the courage to go deeper. You will recognize a profound truth you’ve likely been long avoiding, what I call The Defining Truth and it goes like this: “No one is doing this to me. I am doing it to myself. Therefore, I have the ability to change it.”
The moment you fully grasp The Defining Truth, life as you know it will never be the same. You move from being a victim to owning your power. Your authentic voice will begin to emerge louder, more clearly than ever before. And you’ll free yourself to make wiser, more productive choices.
As one former underearner admitted: “I won’t tell anyone it’s easy looking at what you’ve been avoiding forever. It’s really hard. But it won’t kill you. And you know, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. It actually feels a lot better than saying ‘I don’t want to look at it.’”
What do you suspect may not be working in your life? Leave me a comment below.
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